Page 16 of Wolf.e

I thrive on regiment. Routine and control. My men know I’m a very prepared leader, not easily surprised. I normally know every single person about to step foot into this clubhouse, so color me fucking shocked when I was on my way to the bar to congratulate the bride, and a little hummingbird flew into my crosshairs.

Brinley Rose Beaumont.

The woman whose pulse I can see thrumming away in her slender, silky throat from here. The woman I haven’t been able to stop thinking about since I first laid eyes on her sitting at the coffee shop over a week ago, turning away from me like I may corrupt her just from looking at her. It’s highly fucking unusual I even remember her, because normally I don’t think of a woman at all after I make the decision to either stop looking at her or pull my dick out of her.

Whichever happens first.

But this woman’s mere existence, for some reason, just fucking thunderstruck me.

The moment I saw her, I had the uncontrollable urge to pull her into the alley, tie her wrists together with that shirt around her waist, and make her scream my name until she was begging me instead of snubbing me.

At first, I thought she was a tourist, but something about the way she didn’t even really look up in surprise when she heard our bikes and the way her body tensed told me she knew my club and that she was local. That, and the Georgia plates on the car she got into when she left the dress shop. I forced myself to stop watching her out the window, the way she walked, unsure of her beauty, unassuming, probably tapped on the hand with a ruler as a child every time she got out of line. Shoulders back, quick little ladylike strides.

She screamed ballet lessons and cotillion.

I rationalized that I’d probably find out she’s too young, boring as fuck, maybe had the same preppy boyfriend since she was in high school, but still, there was something about her I couldn’t get out of my head. Enough to make me hand Kai her license plate number when I got back to the clubhouse and order him to tell me everything about her.

Turns out, I was right.

She is young—almost nine years younger than me—she is exactly who I thought she was, the daughter of an upscale Atlanta real estate lawyer, her whole family belonged to the Crested River Country Club, she was a fucking debutant, and she does have a preppy boyfriend in Atlanta. So, I shouldn’t give one fuck who she is or why she’s brought her heart-shaped ass into my clubhouse.

Except now that she’s standing here in front of me, I can’t look away, and I find myself wondering how fucking stupid her Atlanta boyfriend is.

The answer is a special kind of stupid to ever let her come in here looking like this. He might as well have served her up on a silver fucking platter for my taking.

Her long, thick hair, as black as my soul, falls in shiny waves over her shoulders, she’s got a classic vibe about her, everything is completely natural and wholesome, high cheekbones, wide blue eyes. The only unholy things about her? Her full pouty lips and the little dimple in her chin. Watching her nervously fidget in the dim bar lights, I find myself picturing all the ungodly depraved things I can do with those lips, particularly biting into them just enough to break the surface and watch them bleed before wrapping them around my cock.

I catch Brinley’s gaze now and hold it. The pale yellow dress she wears is strapless and short in the front, offering me the supple curve of her inner thighs. All her upper back, slender arms and completely biteable neck are on full display. The tight bodice pushes her perky tits up, boasting the type of cleavage I would make a home in. I’m willing to bet there’s not a shred of ink on her skin or even the hint of a piercing other than her gold hoops at her ears. Good girl to her core.

The way her eyes widen and fill with fear as I approach her drives me fucking wild.

“Brinley…” I speak her name and feel her skin turn to goosebumps under my knuckles. Her entire body is wired with electricity and it pulses through her to me. “The good girl with the smart mouth?” I assume. I smirk, wanting to toy with her a little more. “If you aren’t careful, little hummingbird, I may have to use that mouth to set you straight.” I feel the heat from her skin, hear the pant in her shaky breath. I lean in on a gut instinct so strong I couldn’t fight it if I tried as the thought overwhelms me. “But maybe that’s exactly what you want… maybe you’re sick of being good, yeah?”

“E-Excuse me?” she stutters in that smoky voice that goes straight to my dick. The shock she wears isn’t surprising but the second of longing I see in her eyes when I back up is. It’s what tells me my gut is right. I won’t force her, I’ll let her get there on her own.

“When you figure it out, come and find me.”

I can hear her panting behind me as I seek out a place to sit with a satisfied grin on my face.

Didn’t give a fuck where that was going to be, until right this second.

Now, I just want to be somewhere where I can watch Brinley more closely.

If she turns out to be as bland as she is on paper, maybe I’ll be able to stop fucking thinking about her.

I make my way to the center of the room, choosing a table, knowing wherever I sit, my brothers and their women will follow, and so will my prey.

As expected, my men trailed through the crowd behind me, Layla and her girl gang following behind them.

The tables are large and each seat twelve easily. I watch as Brinley hesitantly takes a seat directly across from me, opening and spreading her napkin in her lap like she’s at a state dinner.

The movement from her shaking out the fabric fans her scent over me. She smells like sweet summer blooms and fear. It’s fucking intoxicating. She fidgets with her cutlery, rearranging it. I’m lost in watching her place her fork on the left, knife on the right, just as she’s probably been taught. A good girl with manners, etiquette, and class. I should be bored as fuck right now but there’s just something about her that continues to draw me in. Her first finger slides up the blade of her sharp steak knife, caressing it as she sips her glass of wine. I wonder why she’d pick the knife as her comfort while I sip my whiskey in silence. She continues as she looks around, not even realizing she’s doing it, and my thoughts run wild with the possibility of what lies beneath her surface.

The table listens intently as Kai rambles on with a story like he always does. Fucking kid never stops talking. I shift forward in my seat, just enough that I can make out her scent in detail… I take in a heady breath and my mouth waters. Jasmine with a hint of honeysuckle.

The chatter is never-ending while more whiskey is poured, and dinner is carted out. The local catering company the club hired has been working all day in the commercial kitchen attached to the hall.

I watch Brinley listen intently to Layla ramble on about wedding details but I don’t really hear any of it. The candlelight from the table casts shadows on her supple skin, her shiny lips are painted a glossy pink. She wraps them around the rim of the glass. When my cock pulses I know my plan to find her uninteresting is failing me.