“All in favor?” I ask.
I wait for the yay’s. When they come, it’s unanimous.
“And Kai, are you with me?” I ask, everyone understanding I want him to be my next Sgt at Arms.
“Hell yeah, brother, I’ve always got you,” Kai answers with a grin.
“Kai to change?” I ask, and they all say yay in agreement.
“Shelly will swap your patches. Mason, you can move to Enforcer.”
Once again everyone agrees.
I snap the gavel down and blow out a breath, glad rehashing that fucked up story is done.
“Now, outside of all that, there’s one more thing. I know this is new, me having an ol’ lady.”
“We love the little assassin,” Flipp says from his end and grins.
“Yeah, Brin is the one for you.” Mason says, his face expressionless but sure.
“You seem fuck, I’m just gonna say it kinda happy,” Kai says.
I blow out a breath and nod. “Yeah, she’s the one,” I agree, clearing my throat.
“All right. Fuck, boys,” I say, changing the deeper subject I’m still not used to talking about. “It’s been a day. Everyone grab a drink, a double. We’ve got a full house until this is settled. Ax, Kai, meet me in a half hour and we’ll leave. Everyone else—eat, drink, see Shell if you or anyone in your family needs anything.”
I make my way out of the room amidst the chatter, remembering as I pulled Jake’s cut from his bloody body this morning and cut his VP patch off before burning it in the outdoor fire pit at St. Henry’s. I know these boys will spend the night thinking about Jake and that’s okay. They know not to talk about it in front of anyone. All the families will know is that he’s a traitor, except my queen, because she was there and even if she wasn’t I’d tell her anyway.
The main hall is full of club members' families. We had them all come here on lockdown for the next few nights until we can either patch over or kill every DOS member in Harmony.
Even through the crowd, I can spot her leaning against the bar talking to Layla, painted on jeans, tank top, her hair loose and wild, not a mark on her after what she endured this morning. Thank fuck.
I lean against the door frame of the Chapel for a minute and just watch her. I’ll never tire of looking at her. I remain there, just because I want to see her reaction and pull my phone out of the basket we dropped them in before chapel.
It’s time.
I watch as she pulls her phone out of her back pocket and reads my message.
Unless you want me to hurt you more than I need to?
Brinley rolls her eyes across the room and turns to face me just as Shelly pops up beside me. Instantly quelling my already thickening cock.
“You’re gonna marry that one, aren't ya?” she asks, nudging me with her frail elbow.
“Me? Marriage?” I ask, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “Come on, Shell, you know me,” I add.
“Yeah, I do.” She winks. “Got what you asked for.” Shelly hands me the cut I had made last week from Racine Leather Co. the finest shop in Savannah, and I hold it up and smile. The buttery black leather with the Hounds of Hell insignia in the center and the Property of Wolfe scroll under it is exactly what I wanted for her. On the front over her heart is her very own patch Wolfe’s Queen, and under it, a smaller patch that says Soldier of Bedlam. A patch she earned when she killed Jake and Marco, saving my life.
It’s perfect and it’s going to look hot as fuck on her.
“I also know you don’t look at women like that. Ever. I just want fair warning so I have plenty of time to help plan another wedding is all.” Shelly pats my back. “Both of you are down a mama,” she adds.
I pull her tighter into the side hug. Shelly is, in fact, the closest thing I have to a mother.