The rest of the girls in our crew have arrived too and are catching up with us when I hear the distant sounds of church choir music. It fades when our music kicks up again then returns when the song ends.
“Is someone holding a church service here?” I ask Layla beside me.
She looks to the field behind our cabins. “Neighboring farm. They hold massive outdoor church services, conveniently every year around the time we all roll in. It will go on for a few hours every night. They’re praying over us, praying we turn our lives around.”
I look over my shoulder in the direction I hear a crowd singing “How Great Thou Art” only to have it disappear again when Van Halen starts to play through the DJ’s sound system.
I pull my bottom lip between my teeth. I used to be in the crowd praying. Now, I’m being prayed for. Something about that feels unsettling as I try to push the hymns of my youth from my mind. I don’t want those two worlds to collide.
“Boss.” Sean motions to Gabriel, nodding to a group of men waiting in the crowd of people. I look up at them as best I can without fully turning toward them. They all wear jeans and cuts, I have no idea who they’re with and won’t until they turn around.
“They can talk now. Otis has to go soon,” Sean adds.
Gabriel looks down at me, then across to Amber, Chantel, and Layla.
“Don’t worry, Pres, we’ll keep her safe.” Chantel smiles at him.
Gabriel rolls his eyes at her and turns to Chris. He points beside me.
“This is where you live until I get back, yeah?” he says patting Chris on the chest once.
“Sure thing, Pres.”
I have no idea what he’s worried about, this place is such a fun—
I internally groan as I watch her approach.
Apparently, it was only a matter of time before someone brought another round. And here she comes, carrying in my next drink on a tray with twenty others. Dark hair loose and wild, leather shorts and a tight red tank top. Chelsea, the brazen woman who hit on Gabriel in front of our whole table at Layla’s wedding.
Just when I’m starting to have fun, this buzzkill has to arrive?
“We’re not against the idea, Foxx Sr. is out of control.” I stare across the table to Otis Malone, leader of one of our sister clubs, Titans MC.
“They won’t come easily,” I say back as Otis sparks up a joint.
“I think they’ll come easier than you think,” he retorts, inhaling. “I’ve known Aiden since I was nine. He won’t say it outright, but Foxx Sr. has gone off the rails. He’s making side deals; I know that from my own contacts.” He puts the joint to his lips and inhales deeply again. “Club isn’t happy.”
“Where are you guys at with handling the problem?” his VP, Tyler, asks. Problem meaning the DOS president.
“We’ve got a plan. A solid one. He threatened our families, he won’t be breathing much longer,” Kai answers him.
I nod in agreement.
“Who's gonna take over that Blue train once this happens?” Otis stubs out his joint and leans forward in his seat, getting right to the point, knowing we’d never sell Fentanyl, it’s not our game. In the name of good business, I won’t insult him by saying it out loud, but the shit is fucking poison.
“Since you don’t want to take it, we’d be happy to.” He grins.
I look at the rest of my men, we’ve already talked about this.
“When Marco goes down, so will his deal with the K6’s.” I mention another well-known Atlanta street gang he shares his area with. “They won’t deal with anyone but him. They own the west side, you can take that over, but only if you keep an eye on our clinics and help protect them. There will be backlash. It’s the best we can offer you.”
Otis leans back in his seat and thinks for a minute. “We’d expect their backlash but they’re small time, they won’t fuck with us.” He thinks. “Give us a few minutes,” he says to me.
I look at the rest of my men, we nod and stand.
“We’ll be outside,” I tell him, knocking once on the table.