“Fuck, Brinley…” I growl. My cum drips from her swollen pouty lips and Brinley looks up at me. I’m still hard as fuck and leaking. I swipe the cum from the head of my cock with my thumb and shove it between her lips. She looks up at me with glassy eyes but sucks my thumb into her mouth.
My breathing shallows as I watch her. I don’t remember the last time I came this hard.
It’s not enough, the way she looks right now, I’m already desperate for more.
“My wicked girl, Brinley, you take every drop I offer. That’s what it means to be mine.”
Gabriel’s cum still rests against my cheeks, my lips, my tongue, along with his thumb, and a deranged part of me begs silently for him to fill me with it. I suck it off and look up at him through my lashes. I knew I was lost to him the moment he bit his bottom lip and groaned my name. Then, when he withdrew from my mouth and came in a way I’ve always thought was degrading—but instead I loved—I knew there would be no turning back.
I’ll continue to crave it, crave him. And knowing that scares the shit out of me. My damp hair clings to my skin, and I clench my thighs, still desperate for more. I want it all.
“Boss,” a deep voice booms through the cabin door.
Gabriel pulls his thumb from my lips with a tiny popping sound. “We’ve got her things here for you to get rid of and, uh, we’re ready,” the voice says.
Get rid of? They think I’m dead?
Gabriel tucks his still hard cock into his boxers and does up his jeans. I don’t have a lot of experience with men, but the few I do have been nothing like him. He has the most beautiful and terrifying cock I’ve ever laid eyes on. I’ve never seen a man this big or with any kind of piercing before. I honestly don’t know how he could even fit inside me. What could he possibly feel like? Will it hurt? Will I find out?
His large hand reaches downward to help me up. I take it. He turns silently and runs a washcloth under warm water and then uses it to clean me up, making sure to swipe over every place his cum rests on my skin.
“Get dressed.” he orders, his voice resolute and calm again. My legs are stiff after kneeling on them and running through the woods.
Gabriel looks me over as I stand, waiting naked in front of him. I fight the urge to fold my hands in front of me.
“Clothes. Now,” he reiterates “One more second of you standing there, looking like that and I’ll be fighting a battle to stay here with you before seeing to the needs of my club.”
I nod, but my stomach drops and heats all at once.
He hands me back my dirty dress. I slink it over my head and sit down on the chair beside the bed. Gabriel takes one last look at me, like he’s making sure I’m fully covered and then pulls the door open wide.
Jake stands on the other side of it, he’s bloody from head to toe. It’s dried onto his shirt. I can see it in the dim light. His hands have been washed but I can still see spatters of it on his neck, and arms. It’s a stark reminder that the man I just gave a blow job to, took a life tonight and these men think nothing of helping him clean it up.
Jake looks at me then back to Gabriel. His eyes are asking why I’m still alive.
“You want to go somewhere?” he asks.
“Where’s Robby and Kai?” Gabriel asks.
Jake looks at me again, I look away.
“They’re… in the woods already…” Jake looks back at me. “Busy.”
Gabriel hands me my bag. “You can change now.”
“Let’s talk outside,” he says to Jake, turning and closing the door behind him.
I make my way to the bathroom. The moment I shut the door, tears fill my eyes but I’m too afraid of him to not listen. I just move like a robot and do as I’m told.
I begin to change into tights and a t-shirt, bringing my brush through my hair and let it hang long and loose to finish drying. As I splash some cold water on my face, I can hear Gabriel and Jake’s voices echoing quietly from the porch when I shut the water off. It isn’t easy to hear them but if I concentrate I can.
“You got him ready?” Gabriel asks. I’d know his voice anywhere. In the short time I’ve known him, it’s become ingrained in me.
“Yeah, I’ll deliver him,” Jake answers,
“Take someone with you,” Gabriel commands.
“Nah, it brings too much heat, and you need all the guys to get this shit head six feet under. The ground is solid fuckin’ clay. I’m fine to go alone, he’s out cold right now.”