Page 20 of Wolf.e

I nod.

“No outsiders leave here until tomorrow, if brothers want to leave that’s fine, but anyone who can’t protect themselves stays,” I announce, not chancing anyone getting hurt on the way out. My mind specifically goes to the woman I just pushed behind Mason in the hallway. I blink and shake it off.

“It’ll be easier to see what’s what and scope our surrounding woods in the light of day,” I add.

“That’s going to be at least fifty people,” Ax says.

“It’s fine. We have the space,” I say casually with a shrug. “Tell Kai to start letting people know.”

I look toward the back of the van.

“You’re here for the night; as soon as he starts to stir, give him another,” I say to Rick as he injects the prospect. “He can stay asleep straight through until after the wedding. This is a tomorrow night problem.”

It doesn’t take long for the shot to take effect and the prospect passes out, his head hitting the floor of the van with a sickening thud.

“And… by the way, we’ve got you,” I add, letting Rick know he’ll be getting a bonus for keeping twenty-four-hour watch over my prisoner. “You need a break, Chris has got you covered,” I say

Rick nods, and I signal for Ax to tell Chris.

I check to ensure the fire from Jake’s pick-up truck is in fact out, and text my contact at the sheriff’s office. The police won’t come out here anyway, unless something astronomical happens but I like to be sure and get ahead of it. If anyone saw the flames, they may have called.

I turn to Ax. “Gather the guys, emergency chapel right now, and”—I look down to my clothes covered in this asshole’s blood and soot from the flames— “then I need a fucking shower.”

Ax grins wickedly and pulls his dick from his jeans, pissing all over this shit head’s boots that hang out of the back of the van into the grass.

I shake my head and chuckle.

“Fucking goon,” I mutter.

Rick doesn’t even glance up. He’s been at our beck and call for years and he’s used to us.

I leave them under the watch of our prospect, Chris, for the night and make my way back inside. I need to see the security footage before chapel and I need a fucking drink.

It’s going to be a late one, and my little fixation, unfortunately, is going to have to wait.

I’m drunk. Drunker than I think I’ve ever been.

Is it a good idea to get this drunk in the face of something traumatic? Probably not, but I did anyway against the better judgement screaming in my head. The good thing about being this drunk is that it's a lot easier to tell that voice to shut the hell up.

We’ve been dancing for hours, or so it feels like. I haven’t seen Wolfe or any of the other guys that were at our table for a while. I’m sweaty and I have to pee. Another drink wouldn’t hurt either.

“Where’s the bathroom?” I call to Layla over the music. She just smiles and gives me directions. I repeat them in my head so I don’t forget. Fourth door on the left… or was it right?

It’s loud now and there are people everywhere. I can’t make sense of this night or how I’m in this situation. I’ll just make it through, and tomorrow the familiarity of home will make me think straight and I can make an excuse to Layla to avoid her wedding. There’s not a chance in hell I’m going.

I stumble through the bar area in search of this elusive hallway to the bathroom. I smooth out my dress and hair, trying to walk as straight as possible. I’m either seeing things or crazy shit is happening around here. There is a woman laying on one of the pool tables as I walk by and another is taking a lime out from between her breasts with her teeth and people are making out… everywhere.

I watch a sitting man slide his large hands up under a women’s black leather skirt as she stands in front of him. He squeezes her ass. I can’t see him behind her body, only his big hands that seem to take up all of her flesh. He lifts her skirt right up over her ass and he slides her thong aside as she tips her head back and moans, absolutely zero shame. He pulls her closer and slides his legs between hers, two boot-clad feet holding her legs apart then shoves two fingers into her pussy right out in the open.

My mouth falls slack as I watch. I need to look away but I… don’t. I feel heat start to coil between my legs at the vision before me. My hand travels slowly up from my chest, over my throat to my lips, I try to feel the shock I know I should, but I don’t. This is wrong. I shouldn't be watching them. But I simply can’t help the heat rushing over me.

The woman moans as he viciously thrusts his fingers into her, and I think I hear him tell her to “take them like a good little slut.” When his face comes into view over her shoulder, I’m shocked to see that it’s Kai. The sweet, clean cut looking one? He grins… and damn. I did not expect that.

“I’ve got another hand, new girl, if you’re interested,” he says as I blink, realizing I’m standing right in front of them, staring.

He chuckles as I begin to move quickly toward the only hallway I see and push through a swinging door to get to it. It’s quieter here and darker. Four doors down for the bathroom or five? It’s a little fuzzy. I decide to push open every door along the way. I’m mostly greeted with unkempt spaces that look like bedrooms. I find the bathroom mercifully. I probably couldn’t have held it much longer.

I wash my hands with what is actually really nice soap. I giggle.