“Fuck.” He grimaces.
I giggle as I reach into my purse.
A well of messages go back and forth between Ginger and Olivia about last night as I start to read through them.
“They’re about to send out a manhunt. They think you’ve kidnapped me,” I say as I keep scrolling.
She’s definitely with her hot boss. I’m sure they’re working on a special project.
How hungover does one have to be to not answer all morning long?
Maybe the project had to be worked on in bed.
Ok I went by her house, she’s not there, Mama Jo isn’t there.
Cheese and crackers you guys are relentless. I’m at Sage and Salt.
Was I right?
No you were not right. Not really.
What the hell does that mean? You’re not fucking now, but you were?
No fucking at all sadly, but I am with who you think I am.
Say less and get back to it.
Did you stay with him last night??? Gah. Your bed was still made.
Yes, nosey old ladies club, I did stay with him.
What have you been doing all morning if you weren’t fucking?
We went fishing.
Come again? Is that some weird sex term I’m unfamiliar with?
I laugh at her response.