Page 30 of Holding The Reins

“I don’t want any trouble tonight; this is a classy place, you know.” He looks right at me, wearing a shit eating grin on his face.

“One time,” I say, not being able to hold back. “One time and she deserved it,” I add.

“Simmer down, little Southpaw.” Nash chuckles at me and it makes me want to smack the smug look he’s wearing off his face.

“Three house margs on me.” He passes them out to us then he looks down at me and smirks. “Be good tonight, CeCe Rae.” His voice hits a lower octave as he tweaks my chin and my mind goes completely blank.

“You too…” I reply awkwardly, and then internally face-punch myself as he gives me a face that says, ‘okay then.’ As soon as he’s turned his back to us, Ginger and Olivia die laughing.

“Why can’t I just act normal around this man? The way I have my whole life,” I groan as I put my head down into my folded arms on the table.

“Because for the first time, you’re not seeing him as the pompous heartbreaker you thought he was. You’re seeing him for who he actually is.” Ginger offers.

“Admit that you like it,” Olivia adds.

“Shit,” I offer. I know they’re right.

“However, the second-hand embarrassment I have for you right now is off the charts. You too?” Olivia repeats my words as Ginger dies laughing.

“Have I mentioned I hate you guys?” I say again as I knock back almost half of my delicious margarita in one sip, made by my even more delicious bartender.

The alarm buzzes way too early. I open one eye and hope I’m dreaming. I’m not. I reach over and hit snooze.

Ten minutes later, I realize I have to get up. I’m extremely nervous, semi-attracted to my new boss and somewhere in between margaritas last night, I realized I forgot to buy myself a coffee maker. I tried to find an extra one in the big house when I got home, but after crashing around too much I gave up so I have to rush if I’m going to make it to Spicer’s Sweets before I head into Olympia Sports. A good coffee to start my day is simply a need. I want to get a jump start on my office organization, and I told Nash when I left that I’d be in by eight-thirty.

I know he’s already here on the ranch. I’m pretty sure he never stops moving. The man is a machine. Here until eight, and then in the office by nine. I let myself think about him while I get ready. He is everywhere all the time and it makes me wonder if he ever sleeps.

I select an outfit I think will do for my first day, but everything that can go wrong while I get ready, does.

My hair falls flat, I poke myself in the eye with my mascara wand, and I spill toothpaste on my blouse, forcing me to change at the last minute. I glance at my clock and realize the inevitable. I’m going to have to wait until I get to my office to have a coffee. I grumble. I didn’t earn the nickname zombie girl in college for nothing. I’m useless before coffee.

I rush to put my shoes on and head out the front door. I almost lose my footing coming through it in my new sandals, I’m distracted by a large steaming to-go cup sitting on my porch rail from Spicer’s. 2C 1S written on the top, Rae written on the side by the barista.

I don’t see him when I look around, but I know it’s from Nash. It has to be. Cole is working and Wade is already running a trail class. I take a deep breath and pick up the cup, breathing in that sweet elixir of the gods. A smile moves across my face as I head to my car. Nash Carter had my back this morning, and just like that, my whole morning feels a little bit brighter.

Iwish I could see her face as she steps out onto the porch and gets her coffee, but I’m trying not to appear like the stage five stalker I’m quickly becoming. CeCe probably doesn’t realize I was in earshot to hear her tell her Not Angels that she forgot to buy a coffee maker last night, but I was, and anything I can do to help make this transition easier for her is my new mission.

Because I need her for the Center—at least that’s what I keep telling myself. Over and over and fucking over. She’s good for the business. Regardless of whatever this little crush is, I’m determined to treat her the way I always have and stop eye fucking her every chance I get. She’s Wade and Cole’s sister, and my employee, that’s where it ends.

I scrub my face with my hand as I head through the barn to my truck with my own coffee from Spicer’s. It’s only eight-fifteen but I’m already behind. I have to get home, shower and I have a full morning of training ahead of me. It dawns on me just what I need to take my mind off CeCe—I need a good distraction. I buckle my seatbelt and start my truck as I call Cole.

Two hours later, I’m on the ice with a very energetic group of third grade skaters, running a skills class. I can’t figure out if I’m wearing them out or if they’re wearing me out as Chris and I play games with them and get them flowing into a backward skate.

We move through passing and shooting drills and begin the last part of our class. The fastest kid to get through all the drills gets to pick the last activity.

“I pick… a 95’er,” Sherri-Lynn’s grandson, Micah, says, pumping his little fists. He won the race and wants me to put on a show and knock one into the net at full speed—a 95’er.

The whole class cheers.

“Okay, well go ahead and give them one, Micah,” I joke and he starts giggling, the whole class following suit.

“You give us one, Coach!” Micah pleads.

“Alright. But then you all have to give your best slap shot after I do. Agreed?”

They nod enthusiastically and start tapping their sticks on the ice, chanting, “Slap shot!

Chris joins in and taps his stick on the ice. He’s a great hockey player, still plays for the 18U Lightning, and has a good chance to get drafted next year. Even better than that, he’s a great kid and loves to help.