“So are you boys all ready to play each other in this hockey game like old times,” Olivia asks us.
“All us girls at the arena watching like we’re right back in tenth grade,” Ginger adds and chuckles.
Cole smacks me on the shoulder. “Ready to kick this old retiree and his fellow old retirees’ asses.”
I roll my eyes at him.
“Shit, that’s right, all these tasty men in town. I love hockey players, so how old are we talking, Nashby? Too old for me?” Ginger asks.
“Maybe not too old, but not crazy enough to get involved with you, if they know what’s good for them,” Cole chirps.
“Don’t be jealous, baby, and go get mama another drink.” Ginger grabs Cole’s face across the table and wiggles it back and forth as she says it, drawing out her accent like a southern belle.
“Jesus, woman,” he says. “I’m not jealous, it would be good if some poor, sad, unsuspecting soul settled your ass down.” He stands then adds, “What are you drinking?”
You’d almost think he was actually annoyed with her, but I’m starting to think he isn’t quite as annoyed with her as he lets on.
“Sangria, of course.” She winks a long-lashed eye at him.
“All around?” The other girls at the table nod and Cole saunters off to get them another drink.
“To clear things up, hockey players retire sometime between thirty and forty. We’re not old men,” I say to Ginger.
“Good to know, got any coming that you recommend?” Ginger quips.
“Fuck no,” I retort instantly.
“Well, on that sweet note…” Ivy drains her sangria in one big gulp as Wade shakes his head, and she notices right away. “My new boss clearly already disapproves of me, so dancing to this fine song can’t make it any worse.” She smiles at all the girls around the table, flashing Wade a grin. “Come on ladies, let’s show them how it’s done.”
“Hell yes.” Ginger laughs. “I like this one,” she says, pointing after Ivy.
“Fucking Christ,” Wade barks as all the girls slide out of the table leaving Wade and I alone just as the opening strings of “Redneck Woman” start coming through the sound system.
“Loosen up a little, yeah?” I nudge Wade beside me.
“The last thing that girl needs to think is that working here is some kind of a party.” Wade shakes his head as the girls move to the music and I can’t help but notice his eyes lingering on Ivy a little longer than they should.
Midway through the torture of CeCe swaying her full and perfect hips to “Boots Jeans, & Jesus,” I see her tap Ginger on the shoulder and dart out of the crowd heading for the bar. I sit like a nervous teenager for all of five minutes. Too soon and I’ll be noticeable, too long and she’ll be back on the dance floor.
Wade and Cole are in deep discussion now about the upcoming Titans season so I take the opportunity.
“I’ll be back… you guys want another?” I gesture to their near empty beer bottles and they both nod.
I search through the massive crowd that showed up tonight and find her at the back of the room, waiting at the bar, reapplying her lipstick and I get the overwhelming urge to smear it across her pretty little face.
I breeze by her without slowing down.
“My office now,” I command.
I head into it and wait. Thirty seconds goes by before she’s in front of me, already breathing shallow and I haven’t even touched her yet, still holding a shot of bourbon in her hand from the bar. I fucking love the effect I have on her. I reach around her and lock the door behind her, grateful there are no windows in this room. CeCe sets her shot down on my desk and smiles at me, that sexy fucking smile that says, “please fuck me, Mr. Carter,” with one hand on her hip, challenging me.
“You have less than ten minutes, if you’re lucky, before they come looking for me,” she says before I crush my lips to hers.
They feel like coming home after an afternoon apart. Her clean, strawberry scent overwhelms me and mixes with her sweet wine soaked breath. My hands are everywhere and so are hers—under my shirt, over my back, into my hair as my dick hardens to the point of pain in my Wranglers.
My hands move to cup her perfect tits and I pull her dress down, letting my mouth find her rigid nipples before spinning her around and bending her right over my desk like I’ve wanted to do for the last two hours.
CeCe yelps as I lift her dress up over her hips and groan.