“You want this shot, Nash?” she asks, her voice hits a lower octave, sending rage to my chest and heat to my dick all at the same time.
“You’re gonna have to take it from me,” she says as she stuffs the shot glass between her full breasts.
I move toward her until I’m standing right in front of her. I place my hand on the wall beside her head, staring down at her. She gulps. The only sound in the room is our breathing in sync and the thumping of the music beyond my office door. She’s testing me. Testing everything in me. How can I be so angry but yet so fucking feral for this woman at the same time? I’ll never understand it.
I slide my hand down the wall and wrap both of them around her tiny waist, pulling her closer to me, her breath hitches as I do.
I keep my voice calm and even because hiding rage is something I am really fucking good at when I need to be. “Cecilia Rae, I never want to see another man’s hands on your body again,” I say as I lean in and allow myself to kiss her once on the neck.
Goosebumps cover her flesh instantly and images of the other night flash through my mind in real-time.
“Do I make myself clear?” I ask, lowering my voice so she knows I’m fucking serious as I kiss her again on her collarbone and she moans.
I add a third kiss to her just above her breasts, my lips are steady just above the shot glass. I’m so fucking hungry for her, the restraint I’m using should win me a goddamn award.
“Do you understand?” I repeat, louder this time.
“Yes, sir,” she whispers. There’s a sass in her tone that makes me grit my molars to stop myself from ruining her, her chest is heaving as she waits for me to do something, anything. So naturally, I give it right back to her.
“Good girl. Don’t ever make me tell you again.”
My dick is so fucking hard against my zipper. The sheer fucking torture of knowing that tight, sweet cunt is definitely soaking wet beneath that skirt is almost too much to bear.
I slide my hands up the sides of her waist under her breasts, pushing them up so the shot glass rises up just enough for me to wrap my lips around it. Another tiny moan escapes her lips. I pull the shot glass out with my mouth and knock it back with one fell swoop. The burn of the tequila down my throat doesn’t compare to the ache in my jeans but I fight it with everything in me.
I won’t take her. Not like this, not after she’s been drinking this much. But two things are certain. I’m not leaving her alone for even one more second tonight and two, she’s going to fucking pay for this torture she’s putting me through.
I set the glass down on my desk and lean down, tequila still fresh on my tongue. I lick a slow, hot trail across her bottom lip, pulling it into my mouth for only a few seconds. I normally hate tequila, but mix it with CeCe’s sweet lips and I’d drink it every damn day. I’d drink it for survival. “That’s the only taste of that shot you’re getting.”
Her tongue darts out to wet her plump, cherry red lips and I almost lose control. I grit my teeth and look away from her.
“And if you think for one second that you’re in my bar in this fucking dress, and I’m looking at anyone else, you’ve lost your damn mind.” I look back at her and my gaze meets her wide eyes. “There is nothing I want to do more right now than fuck you so hard, for so long that you’ll know, without a doubt, that the only woman I’m looking at is you.”
Her lips are an inch from mine and I can smell the sweetness of her breath.
“I hate how much I want you right now,” she says and I smirk at her.
“The feeling is mutual. Now get your purse, we’re leaving.”
She follows me out of the office and into the crowd, finding Ginger and Olivia, I tell them I’m taking her home. I make sure Asher is good, he has enough staff tonight. I call Cole on my way out the door and tell him to come get the other girls, that CeCe is sick and I’m taking her home.
He agrees because Mabel is at Jo’s again tonight. And it won’t be the first time Cole’s had to pick Ginger’s drunk ass up and take her home. He’s on duty but there is no harm in driving the girls home on a slow night in Laurel Creek.
I get CeCe to the safety of my truck and she stumbles as I lift her in the door. I move to my side and climb in.
“I wish you weren’t so hot, it would make my attempt at not wanting you a lot easier,” she mumbles as I start the truck, leaning her head on the cool glass.
“Again, feeling’s mutual,” I bite out.
I start down the highway and realize I could take her to her house. I have the key to Stardust and every other door on the ranch. But if I do that, I have to leave my truck there and that just won’t do. The last thing she’s going to need in the morning is questions about me sleeping there because I’m not leaving her like this.
I make the snap decision to continue on past the cut-off to the ranch and head to my own house. She can stay with me tonight.
“You weren’t looking at Flirty McShowHerWhatever? I saw you give her your number,” she mumbles out in a slur.
“Are you jealous, CeCe Ashby?” I chuckle at this realization as I cruise through the dark countryside.
“No,” she answers quickly.