“Well, I’m definitely taking advantage of that today at the office then. I’ll be giving you a whole list of things to do that you’d normally give me a hard time for.”
“Don’t push your luck, Nash. It rebuilds, you know—the sass. By noon, I’ll be full force again.” She wags a finger at me, and my infatuated cock is already craving her again, as I imagine pulling that finger into my mouth.
I chuckle and sip my coffee—which is actually really good. Her fancy-ass coffee maker is worth the mental suffering I went through.
The sun fully engulfs the mountain side behind her perfect face and the beauty of it across the table stuns me. I never thought I’d find a view I’ve loved more than riding horseback through Silver Pines, watching the sun rise over Sugarland Mountain, until I sat across from Cecilia Ashby, freshly fucked with a coffee in the morning.
We finish the rest of our coffee in silence. I get up and tidy her kitchen as she heads to the shower. I’m starting to spiral. I think about joining her but I don’t try. Maybe it makes me a sick fuck, but I want the scent of her on my skin a little bit longer.
I get dressed in my clothes from last night and make her bed, folding her throws carefully and placing her fifty pillows in perfect order. I stand in front of it and start remembering every face she made while I was inside her as my phone buzzes on the table interrupting my fresh memories.
I turn it over and I see it’s Wade, so I answer.
“You at CeCe’s? I just noticed your truck on my way to the barn.”
Shit. I realize that we’re lucky it’s Thursday. The only day of the week that Wade sleeps in and Cole comes to work through the morning chores. Cole would’ve gone straight to the barn at five.
“Yeah, we had an issue with our accounts last night. I just got here, we’ve been going over some things since seven-thirty.”
I’m sweating. Why am I sweating? I’m a thirty-three-year-old man. It was one night.
“Cool, I need to show you the package we put together for your festival. I’ll pop by in a minute.”
I go through the scenario of Wade arriving and CeCe being in the shower, plus it has to still smell like sex in here.
“No, I’m just leaving. I’ll come to you,” I say quickly, searching for my keys and wallet.
“Okay, I’m at the north barn, but meet me at the big house.”
“There in five.”
I text CeCe as I go.
Had to leave. Wade was going to come to your place, he saw my truck so I went to him instead.
I huff out a breath when the fresh air hits me and I run a hand through my hair. I grab a t-shirt from my truck because I always have spare ones—habit from my younger years. I toss it on and throw my dress shirt in the back and snatch my cowboy hat off the back seat and head to the big house.
Istay in the shower longer than I should. I just need a few minutes away from his face to think clearly.
This was supposed to just be sex but I can’t get Nash out of my head, and not just the sex—which has now officially ruined me for all future sex—but him. His eyes, the selfless way he is helping my family, my parents. The way he looked in my kitchen in his boxers, moving around seamlessly. How the space seems too small for him but he just fits here. Watching him use my fancy, dainty European coffee maker with confidence might just be the manliest thing I’ve ever seen.
I let the hot water run out and then feel like a jerk because I’m sure Nash will want a shower before he leaves.
I walk out of the bathroom and wander my house, but he’s gone. I don’t even know where my phone is. Last night, from the time Nash got here until I opened my eyes this morning is a total blur and it’s like I’m being plunged back into reality now.
I find my phone on the coffee table in the living room and pick it up. One message from Nash telling me he left to avoid Wade from stopping by, and several from my girls. I skim through our group chat because there’s so many messages.
Your mom told my mom who told me that Andrew was in town tonight.
And you didn’t tell us?
She also said a certain hot boss gave him a beat down outside the coffee shop.