Page 5 of Forbidden Love

“So, you’ll just do everything on my list?” Her tone remains skeptical. “Don’t you have to check with the ones in charge? I mean, I appreciate the initiative, but you just work here. Who calls the shots?”

Maintaining a neutral expression, I resist the urge to smirk. “I have a bit more influence than you might think. I’m your connection to decision-makers. Let’s leave it at that.

As her mouth opens and closes, she rubs her ear. “So you’re saying if I work with you, things might actually change?”

I nod. “Yes. I’m not here to waste your time, Maya. I’m here to ensure this project works for everyone.”

Saying nothing, her eyebrows pull in. “Let’s say I believe you. What happens next?”

While forming my hands into a steeple, I maintain eye contact. “Next, we work together. You bring your concerns and ideas, and then we find solutions that work for everyone.”

She taps a manicured index finger against her sultry pink lip. “And if we can’t find a solution?”

“Then we keep talking until we do.” I inhale a full breath through my nose and exhale through my mouth. “I want this to work.”

She studies me for a long time as she weighs her options. “Okay,” she says finally, her voice firm. “I’m willing to talk.”

I smile. “Good. Let’s start tomorrow.”

She gestures before her lips tighten. “Don’t expect me to roll over, David. I won’t make it easy.”

While looking deep into her fiery brown eyes, the corner of my mouth rises. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

As we sit in silence, a subtle arousal spreads through my groin. God, I want her. Badly. Everything in me craves her, but as she pulls me in, I make a silent vow to keep my distance.

Finally, she stands, breaking the spell. “Okay. Until tomorrow, then.”

I stand as well, my body still magnetized by her presence. “Excellent.”

Turning, she strides toward the exit, but before she leaves, she pauses and glances back at me. “I see you, David. You think you can get inside my brain.”

Tilting my chin, I purse my lips and play along. “Maybe. But you’re letting me.”

Her lips part and she bites on the bottom one. “We’ll see about that.”

With that, she walks out, leaving me alone in the room.

She’s gone, but I’ve got her where I want her, and now it’s only a matter of time before I claim her as mine.

Thenextdayarrives,and I’m once again at the site early, preparing for our meeting. Office is ready, and everything is in place, just like yesterday. But today is different, and it’s confusing. It’s not me to be nervous or excited before a meeting. Today, I feel both.

The wait is not long. The door swings open with a soft creak and Maya steps inside, her gaze immediately locking onto mine. Her dark hair falls loosely around her face, framing her sharp features.

Her navy blue skirt hugs her hips and falls above her knees, while her low cut white blouse reveals a hint of her delicate collarbones and the soft swell of her cleavage.

The aromatic scent of vanilla lingers in the air once again, sending warmth spreading through my groin before I stand to meet her. “Good morning.”

She glances around the room before her eyes settle on me. “Morning.”

I gesture to a chair across from mine. “Ready to get started?”

“I am.” Her chest enlarges with each deep breath she takes, the fabric of her blouse stretching with the movement.

Is she as affected by our meetings as I am?

She strides forward, taking the seat. Why does she consistently challenge me with her daring gaze?

Whatever it is, she’s got me craving her. I’m drawn to her and I need more.