Page 86 of Shade of Ruin

Every scale is there. Every single detail is crystal-clear. Red, Silver, Black, Brown, and Gold. The five dragons that didn’t leave Nyth with their brethren. Inni the Destroyer. Sidon the Strong. Vyran the Black. Kasan the Lifegiver. And Calyr the Gold.

Each of them is made of pure light just like when Darian had created the figures to go along with the story that night in Aerwyn. These are professional, though. Where Darian’s light puppets were beautiful, there was blurring. These are perfect.

“When Nyth was young, the dragons came,” the siren says slowly. “Where dragons go, magic follows, and these dragons stayed for many years. Centuries. Millennia. Who knows how long they were here? Hundreds, or maybe thousands, of dragons inhabited this world, and the world grew around them. Everything was touched by their magic, some just a little, like humans, and others, like the Immortals, were created because of it.”

She doesn’t move. Her words aren’t spoken with an emphasis like I’d expected from an actor. That’s when I realize she’s not an actor. She’s a narrator. A storyteller.

This isn’t a play. This is the most incredible way to tell a story ever imaginable, and I settle into my seat, a wide grin on my face.

“Then it was time for them to go. This world depended on the magic they gave simply by existing, and now that they were leaving, everything would die. The dragons understood this, and on the night that they were to leave, these five decided to stay.”

Cole looks over at me, a smile on his face, and I know he’s not excited about the story. He’s reading the emotions I’m experiencing through our bond. This wasn’t for my education. It was his attempt at helping me to have fun. This was his attempt at making me smile.

The siren continues to tell the story below us, and I reach out and put my hand on his. His smile deepens, and I’m glad I came.

For the first time since I met him, it seems like the weight on his shoulders is lighter. Between that realization and the beautiful story below us, I stop worrying so much. Maybe I can forget, just for a few hours, that there are important things to do.

It would be nice to forget that I could be surrounded by enemies.

I relax and let myself be sucked into the story being told. There’s no need to stay vigilant of the people around me. I let my world become the one where dragons are kind enough togive themselves for the creatures that depend on them. The one where five dragons saved a world from starvation.

I don’t separate myself from Cole. There are no obsidian towers in my mind tonight, but when I feel his mind brush against mine, I don’t push him away. Maybe he’s seeing a view of my mind. Maybe it’s a world of trees and boar and shadows or maybe it’s like his, a desert with winds carrying shadows that cut at anyone who steps into them.

Whatever it is, I let Cole traverse my mental landscape.

I smile because he deserves to be close to me. He’s the only person in the world that I trust completely.

Chapter 37

Vesper calls to me more and more.

My soul yearns for her touch. When this is done,

I shall find her again in the void.

~Sidon the Strong, A History of Magic and Dragons

“That. Was.Incredible.” The words come out as soon as we’re standing outside the Luminous Spectacle. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

It’s a dark night out, and tiny flames flicker in golden lampposts, lightly illuminating the city streets. Not enough to let us see clearly, but enough that we don’t trip over our own feet. I’m surprised at how quiet the city has become now that the sun’s gone down. I’d been overwhelmed every time that we walked the streets, but now that it’s moonlight instead of sunlight, it’s almost like we’re back in the forest, and I can hear myself think.

Well, maybe it’s not quite that quiet. But it’s a far cry more enjoyable than the daytime sights and sounds.

“They do good work,” Darian says. “I still don’t know how they maintain such detail in such a large image. Granted, there are four people from the House of Light building those scenes, but they all constantly move. If you were paying attention, you’d have seen the branches move and leaves shake as the dragons brushed past trees.”

“I’m sure you two could have done something similar,” I say.

Darian and Lee glance at each other, their eyes sparkling. “No way,” Lee responds. “Those four are some of the best in the world. There’s a reason we came all the way out here to see a play.”

“That and for the Firelight Café.” Darian’s got a grin on his face as wide as at the market. “They have the best caramel sweet breads in all of Draenyth. You dip them in a bit of coffee, and there’s nothing better.”

“Coffee sounds good,” Lee says. “Are you two interested?”

Cole looks at me, and I’m surprised. For once, he’s not making the decisions, not saying we need to get some sleep to train tomorrow. We’re supposed to start dance instructions with Nevan in the morning, but Cole isn’t saying that. He’s letting me decide.

“That sounds wonderful. And if the caramel sweet bread is as good as the chocolate was, I’ll take as much as they have.”

Darian grins at me. “A woman after my own heart. If you’re interested in exploring the world of sweets, I could give you a tour of the city’s best bakeries.”