Page 87 of Music City Diaries

“Have at it. If you can make sense of this mess, I’ll buy you all the clothes you could want.”

She raised her eyebrows, a smirk playing on her lips. “That’s a challenge I can get behind. You might regret that; I love a good organizational project.”

I showed Darcie the system and what the logins were, then shut the door behind me, walking back out into the garage. The men stopped talking as they watched me. I took a bet in my head who’d be the first to say something. Ten seconds later, I wasn’t wrong.

“So, what’s the deal with the blonde?” Rodger asked.

I debated what to say. I knew it might be presumptuous to call her mine, but I didn’t want any of these fools thinking they had a chance, either.

“She’s off limits. Let’s leave it at that,” I said, glaring at all the guys.

Rodger tossed his hands, smirking as he returned to the engine he was working on. The other guys followed suit, and I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. Brooks sauntered over, chuckling as he neared.

“You think that’s going to work?” he asked.

“If it doesn’t, they’ll regret it,” I growled. The thought of one of them being with Darcie made my anger boil. I’d only kissed the girl, and I was already possessive as fuck.

“How’s it going, otherwise?” he asked.

“Good, I think. She seems to believe she’ll be able to make heads and tails of my system. I promised to buy her clothes in return. She wants to go shopping at lunch. I might need you to take her so I can get caught up here. You okay with that?”

“Get an hour to spend with Darcie alone? Hell, yes.” Cowboy smiled, and I noticed he’d been doing that more than ever since she’d appeared.

I didn’t need any more confirmation she was the one for us. The three of us were already changing, molding ourselves to surround her.

Brooks slapped my back, leaving me to the car I was working on as he returned to his. I turned up the music, needingsomething to keep my mind off the beautiful bombshell behind my desk.

It was finally closing time,and I couldn’t wait to get out of here. The garage was typically my place of solace. Where I could let go of the perfect control I had over every other aspect of my life. I could get my hands dirty here without it being the end of the world. This place had saved me in a lot of ways.

But today, the only thing I could think about was my date with Darcie.

Gearing up enough courage, I stepped into my office and stopped, amazed at what I saw.

“What? How?” I asked. My eyes grew large as I turned, taking in the room. Every ounce of paper was gone, the desk clear. It made the office feel bigger, and I recognized a picture of the three of us.

“It wasn’t as bad as it looked. You had things in piles. Once I figured out your system, I could manipulate that for you in the program. Would you like to see it?”

I stared at her, gobsmacked by what she was telling me. I didn’t believe her for one second that it had been easy. My office had become the place I refused to let any of my mother’s tendencies touch, justifying that it was a garage and therefore meant to be messy.

Walking over to the desk, I realized how limiting that had been. Maybe I didn’t need to be as controlled and clean here, but going completely without only invited chaos.

“I know you got a few things earlier, but now I’m buying you a whole store,” I said once she’d shown me how she’d set up the folders. It made sense when she explained it.

“I don’t think I need a whole store, but I’ll definitely take you up on a few new things. I’m using my money for my bike. Bubba said you’d help fix it up if it needed.”

“Damn straight. Besides, I wouldn’t let you ride anything until I’d looked it over, Sunflower.” My voice dropped, the sound deep as I stared into her eyes. Something I hadn’t noticed before swirled in them, and I leaned forward, the magnetic pull between us too great.

“Ready to go?” Cowboy asked, slapping the door. I jumped back, sending him a glare. I knew he saw what I was about to do and purposefully interrupted.

“Yep. I can’t wait to wear my new dress and dance with you, Laws.”

“Laws?” I asked, my eyes returning to hers.

“It’s my name for you. It suits you better. You’re my Laws.”

I didn’t know what she meant by that, but I’d be her anything if she asked.

The ride home was quiet as I shifted in the truck. The anticipation of the night was bearing down on me, and I was worried I’d crumble under it.