Page 64 of Music City Diaries

“Hmph, fill out this card here in case I need to get in touch.” He slid across a piece of paper before taking the items and punching in a total on the register.

There was no way I was giving him any factual information, so I made up a name and used the street number from my old house in Mississippi with a Tennessee zip code. It should look legit enough for him, but it wouldn’t have any trail to me afterward.

I glanced at the total, seeing he’d added a charge.

“What’s that for?” I asked. The prospect of paying it felt wrong, but if it got me out of here quicker, I might be obliged.

“Processing charge,” he said, smiling with his toothpick. “There’s another way to take care of it if you’re interested.”

Chills ran down my spine, and I decided to deal with the extra fifty and get out of there. Grimacing, I shook my head, pulling out the exact change and placing it on the counter with the info card. I reached for the tablet when his hand smacked down on top of mine, jolting me. Gasping, I glanced up, finding his predatory smile directed at me.

“You sure you don’t want to make arrangements? Maybe I should add another charge,” he purred, his eyes scanning down my body. Despite knowing I was fully covered, it felt like he was undressing me, violating me in a way I hadn’t felt since the night Agonizer raped me.

My body froze, the memories of that night filtered through as I tried to grasp onto reality and determine how to get out of this situation. I couldn’t fight him. I didn’t need the attention, nor did I want to run again after just getting here. No, this required a delicate solution.

The door pinged as it opened, breaking whatever trance he’d frozen me in. The woman next door peered in, holding up the food bags.

“Your order's ready,” she yelled, not looking at the man.

He glared at her, but it allowed me to grab the tablet and bolt out the door. My heart was racing, but with each step closer to the door, the better I felt.

She opened the door wider as I neared, not saying anything until we were both free.

“Thank you,” I said, my hands shaking as I tried to get myself together.

“Be safe, child. My son will walk you to your car.”

A man I hadn’t noticed stood behind her, taking the bags of food. Tears pricked my eyes at the realization they were watching out for me.

“Thank you. I can’t…” I started, my throat closing up at the genuine warmth I felt for this stranger.

She patted my hand, urging me to go. Nodding, I thanked her once again before heading toward the truck. I felt terrible that her son had to walk all the way, regretting parking so far away. But I was glad to have him since I’d noticed the pawn shop owner move toward the door, watching.

The boy nodded as I thanked him, climbing into the truck a few minutes later. It took me another five before my hands were no longer shaking and I was calm enough to start the engine.

“Fiddlesticks!” I shouted, hitting the steering wheel in frustration. I had to be more careful moving forward. I couldn’t always count on the kindness of others to save me. I was one wrong move away from ending up in jail or as someone’s 'well guest' so they could wear me as a skin suit. I didn’t have it in me to put the lotion in the basket.

Neither option was how I wanted to spend my life.

“Get back, eat some food, and find Maddox,” I whispered, needing a plan. “Freak-out later.”

Nodding, I turned the keys and shifted the truck, making sure to go in the other direction so I could avoid the pawn shop altogether.

It took me a few missed turns, but I finally returned to Bubba’s house. Feeling better about my adventure and what I’d accomplished, I brought in my food and sat it on the counter. After peeking in a few cabinets, I found a plate and a fork. Dishing out a small portion of each, I devoured the food as I set up my new devices.

The phone was easy since I wasn’t putting any contacts in it outside of a few people. I texted Lennox, letting her know it was my number and added Bubba’s.

The brat part of me wanted to text him something to push his buttons, but the mature part knew it would only reinforce what he believed about me—that I was a spoiled princess, incapable of taking care of herself.

It bothered me that he thought I was weak and too young for him. Despite already deciding I wouldn’t like him; I wanted that decision to be mine, and it felt like he’d already made up his mind before he even knew me.

The fire within wanted to punish him, while the reasonable part of me knew it wouldn’t work out as I’d hoped. For now, I needed to show I wasn’t a burden like a child he had to watch.

Cleaning up my mess, I put the rest of the food into the fridge and left a note that they could have whatever they wanted. It felt like the nice thing to do since they were letting me stay here.

Taking my devices with me to my room, I organized my things into neater piles so they’d be easier to find when I needed them. I didn’t want to unpack completely in case I needed to make a run for it again. I could always send for the things at least if I needed them once I was settled.

Plopping down on the bed, I signed onto the server to see if there was any sign of Maddox. As it loaded, my eyes grew heavy, and I placed it down next to me, promising to only close my eyes for a few minutes.