No, Darcie would have to stay in my dreams where she’d been ever since I’d first laid eyes on her.
“What’s cooking, good looking?” she sang as she entered the kitchen.
Her voice jolted me, causing me to splash bacon grease on my hand. Cursing, I jumped back and moved to the sink to rinse it.
“Shit. You okay?” she asked, moving toward me at the sink.
The smell of sunshine engulfed me, and I stopped breathing, not wanting it to leave my nostrils. Her hand touched mine, and I remembered I needed to let the air out in order to let more in.
“It’s fine,” I grunted and pulled my hand away.
I hadn’t planned to sound so mean, but her touch hurt worse than the burn. It made me want her to touch me all over, something I couldn’t entertain, or the part of me that didn’t care about any of my reservations would make itself known.
“Anything I can do to help?” she asked, appearing to ignore my gruffness.
I counted to ten in my head, holding my hand to my chest as I moved back to the stove. I didn’t ever want this woman to have to do anything again, but if it helped get her out of my presence for a few seconds, then it would be worth it.
“Plates are in that cabinet.” I nodded toward the one on the left as I picked up the spatula. The eggs were overdone, and most of the bacon was burned, but it would have to suffice.
She hummed a song as she waltzed her cowboy boots over to the cabinet. I watched her out of the side of my eyes as she reached up and then stopped.
“How many?” she asked, turning toward me.
“Three. Brooks isn’t here at the moment.”
She pulled down three, then opened drawers until she found the silverware. I could’ve told her, but watching her was more fun. She grabbed a few paper towels off the roll before walking to the breakfast bar and placing them down. It was sweet in a way I hadn’t been prepared for.
“Drinks?” she asked, looking up at me when she was done.
“Coffee in the pot and juice in the fridge.”
“Oh, you’re my hero for the day. I need more coffee after Lennox woke me up at this forsaken hour.”
A smile crept over my face, but I stopped it before she caught it. It would be better if she thought I barely tolerated her. It would help me keep my distance.
I grabbed the pan of eggs and dumped them onto the three plates, and followed with the bacon. I began scooping some off when I realized I’d given her as much as the other two plates.
“Don’t you dare,” she hissed. “I’m starved.”
“You can eat all that?” I asked, looking at her directly. Which was a mistake I regretted immediately. Darcie’s pale blue eyes stole my breath, and I had to remember how to breathe. Her round face looked up at me, a grin on her face. With her hair in pigtails and the cowboy hat on her head, I had difficulty remembering my name.
“Damn straight I can,” she huffed, taking a seat at the bar.
I lifted my hands, leaving her to the food, knowing better than to come between a woman and her bacon.
“Sorry.” I smiled, placing the pans in the sink.
“Pretty Boy!” I hollered, walking over and slapping the wall.
“I’m coming, grandpa!” he yelled back, stepping out of his room. His honey brown hair was messy as he rubbed his eyes, stubble covering his face. Thankfully, he wore pants since I’d forgotten to mention we had a guest.
I took the seat furthest from Darcie, leaving the one in the middle open. I didn’t say anything, wanting to watch the show as Grayson spotted Darcie.
He stopped to grab a mug of coffee, filling it and taking a sip before he moved toward the bar. He was a few feet from it when he stopped, blinking.
“You’re not Brooks,” he mumbled.
“Nope,” Darcie said, smiling. “What kind of name is Pretty Boy?” she asked, shoving a forkful of eggs into her mouth.