Page 40 of Music City Diaries

“I know. But we both know how these things work. If Becca’s safe, I’ll wait as long as I have to.”

“You have my word.”

I hung up. Nothing else needed to be said, and handed the phone back to the officer. He cuffed me again but was more gentle this time.

Every officer from Alabama to Mississippi to Georgia knew what those words meant. But once I was on the inside, I was on my own.

I only hoped Darcie wouldn’t forget me.

Diary #11

Dear Mom,

I know something has gone wrong with Maddox’s mission. While we didn’t talk every day on the server, we checked in with one another. I haven’t heard from him in a month now, and I’m worried.

But I know he wouldn’t want me to be. So, I’m trying to go about my days, living my life here in Nashville.

I can’t believe I’ve lived in the city for a year now. Life is going well, and history makes me nervous, but I’m trying not to let that stop me from living it.

Speaking of, I’ve let Candi set me up on a date.

I’m a little nervous, but I think it’s time, as hard as that is to admit. I’m not giving up on Maddox, but I can’t wait and he told me not to.

Dad still hasn’t responded, but I know he’s seeing them, and that’s enough for now.

Love you,




Blotting my lips,I smacked them together as I finished with my lipstick. Cherry red tonight. I was ready to dance and flirt with all the boys. My confidence had soared since I became a cam girl. Self assurance wasn’t something I’d ever thought I’d need, having always been confident in who I was before Agonizer stole it.

Reclaiming it through the camera was one of the things that saved me. I knew my body now in ways I’d never known it before. I knew what I liked about myself and, most importantly, I felt ready to explore it with real partners now.

My sex drive had increased tenfold as well, and I was ready to cross that bridge. Somewhere in my mind, I think I hoped Maddox would show up again and stop me, lurking in the shadows as he did, even though a more significant part of me knew he wasn’t here, something keeping him from me this time.

My phone vibrated as I locked up, and I jogged down the steps as best as I could in cowboy boots. One day I’d learn to wear better footwear, but tonight wasn’t that night. I was going with girlie today in a simple pink dress and brown boots. The dress was thin, helping me not die in the summer heat.

Stepping out into the sun, I waved at Candi as I hurried to her car. We were headed to an outdoor country music festival she’d snagged us tickets to.

“Hey, girlfriend!” she said, smiling over at me.

“Hey! You look great! I love your look.” She had on a denim skirt and a gingham style shirt she’d tied at the waist, along with hot pink cowboy boots and a matching hat.

“I’m hoping to snag me a cowboy! Howdy!” Candi exclaimed, making a roping motion with her arm.

“As long as he’s hot, I don’t care what he does.”

Laughing, we took off, cranking up the radio as we sang along to it. When I thought about the girl I was a year and a half ago, I didn’t even recognize myself, and for that, I was glad.

“So, you’re gonna do it, huh?” she asked, pulling into the field we were directed to park in.

“Hook up?” I asked.

“Yeah. I know you don’t normally do it.”