Page 4 of Music City Diaries

“I’m sorry, what do you meanyourplace? Am I going for a visit I didn’t know about?” I glanced from him to my father, not liking what I saw there. A resigned look covered my dad’s face, and when I met his eyes, it was the first time in my life he dropped them, refusing to look at me.

Swallowing, I glanced at the other men around me, and their faces looked like mine. Filled with shock, fear, and confusion. So this wasn’t common knowledge.

Immediately, my mind flipped over to my training, and I started to categorize the information I knew to form a plan.

A deal was being brokered.

My dad didn’t seem to have power here; in fact, it seemed like he owed Agonizer something.

I was going to their compound.

Chase was suddenly all over me.

I was twenty and a virgin.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. No, this couldn’t be possible. My father would never allow it.

I glanced at him again, pleading for him to look at me, to acknowledge the pain and anxiety I was feeling. Anything! But he stared at his plate as the Agonizer droned on, talking to no one but himself.

“Daddy?” I whispered, the sound perceptibly weak even to my own ears. He flinched but didn’t look up, cutting his steak into small pieces.

“Nothing to fear, little one. I promised to take good care of you. I’ll get you nice and broken in before I hand you over to my son.” He smiled lasciviously, and my whole body shivered. I’d rather cut off my arm than have that man touch me anywhere. That was going to be a hard pass from me.

“Thank you for the offer, but I’m going to have to decline.” A gasp rang out from Chelsie, but I ignored it. I couldn’t look at her, worried she’d known and hadn’t told me. I scooted my chair back, needing to be far away from here.

“Darcie, stop,” my father said, halting me. I kept my back to him, unable to watch him say the words.

In front of me stood Maddox, his ripped jeans and dusty boots such a familiar sight. His face was stone as he stared over my head, disgust and ill-intention brimming in his eyes. When my father started to speak, he dropped his eyes to me, and I held onto them like an anchor.

I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t hear my father say he’d traded me. It would break me. So instead, I focused on Maddox’s dark blue eyes, falling into them and letting him wrap me up in his protectiveness. He’d always been there, so I let him take this too.

I hated myself a little that I wasn’t strong enough to face my father, but I wasn’t, and it was better to know your strengths and weaknesses instead of blindly failing.

When a hand touched my elbow, I jumped until I realized it was Maddox. “Come on, Runt, I’m to help you pack.” The words were gritted out, but not toward me. If anything, it was the softest he’d ever spoken to me.

Numbly, I nodded, letting him lead me. We walked to my room in silence, no words needing to be shared. When I got tomy door, I couldn’t open it, knowing what stood on the other side.

“I can’t do it, Maddox. I can’t.” My lip quivered, and I braved looking up at him. To my surprise, he didn’t judge me for falling apart. If anything, he seemed to want to comfort me. His hand lifted in the air, stopped halfway between us. He glanced down at it, noticing the grease and oil, and dropped it.

“You can, Runt. You’re ready.”

Sucking in a breath, I wiped my eyes, taking a moment to gather myself. Opening my door, I quietly walked over to my bed and pulled out a duffle bag. I placed it on top and opened it, and stared at the empty space. I’d dreamed of packing up and moving somewhere one day but never like this. This club had been my home, these rowdy men my family. To leave with that monster felt wrong.

“Why is this happening?” I asked, sitting down on the bed.

“I don’t know. Your father’s been having meetings without me lately. I think something happened. Something big. It’s the only thing I can think of for this choice. Your father loves you, Darce.”

The shortened name warmed me inside, but I pushed it away, not wanting to feel anything other than the cold numbness at this moment. If I let myself feel, I’d break into a million pieces, never to be put back together. I couldn’t afford that right now.

“Will it hurt?” I blurted, not having planned to ask my pseudo brother about sex.

He grimaced, only briefly looking at me. “I’d like to lie and say no, but it will be even worse than normal, knowing him. I’m sorry, Darcie. I wish I had more power, and I’d… I dunno, but I’d do something.”

“I think if there was another solution, then my father would’ve already found it.” The words sounded hollow, but Iknew they were true. I didn’t doubt my father’s love for me outside of this moment. So, I had to trust there was a purpose.

Together, Maddox and I managed to pack two duffles and a backpack of my things. I placed my mother’s journal, a music box, and a small photo album in the bag, wanting them closest to me while we rode. The other things were just clothes and replaceable, but these, I wanted to keep safe.

When it was done, Maddox patted my shoulder, standing to leave. I felt like I needed to say something since it might be my last chance.