While Charlie, Grace, and Hannah loved horses, poor Josh had been allergic. He’d discovered his love of music one afternoon at Lennox’s and had started piano lessons. I didn’t want to brag, but the kid was amazing. We weren’t making a big deal out of it so he wouldn’t feel pressured, but we were one hundred percent behind him if he wanted to pursue it.
“Good. I got to learn a new song,” he said, smiling wide.
“I can’t wait to hear it. You’ll have to play it for me tomorrow,” I said, just as Lennox told everyone to hide.
We crouched down behind the arcade machines. Lily giggled, covering her mouth in excitement just as we heard voices.
“I think the place is closed, Si. Let’s go get pizza?—”
“One, two, three,” I whispered, and everyone jumped out. “Surprise!”
“AH!” Grayson shouted, jumping back and clutching his heart. “What the fudge,” he corrected at the last minute when he saw the kids.
“Happy birthday, Daddy!” Lily said, climbing out of my arms and running to Grayson. Grayson melted, bending down to catch her. “I kept a surprise,” she said, whispering.
“That you did. I can’t believe you surprised me,” he said, standing and staring at everyone.
“Happy birthday, Laws.” I kissed him, loving that we’d shocked him.
“Thanks, Sunflower. I’m stunned. You guys did this for me?” he asked, looking around at everyone. Customers from the shop, friends we’d made over the years, our kids, friends, families, and even some of our MC family had driven up.
“We all love you, Laws.”
He nodded, smiled, and said hello to people as we walked through the crowd. Josh, Charlie, Hannah, and Grace joined Lily in hugging and kissing Daddy Grayson for his birthday and the gifts they made for him. Once he’d gotten through everyone, I clapped my hands.
“Okay, who wants to race Grayson first? The winner gets first dibs on the cake!” Hands went up, and we ran to the go-karts.
“Hey! It’s my cake. I get the first slice, Sunflower. That’s the rule,” he yelled, chasing me.
I laughed, promising to crush him as I slid into my car and strapped in. Spoiler alert: I did not. But I had fun all the same.
Over the next two hours, we moved from each activity, laughing and having a good time. We ate until our stomachs were full, and Grayson did get the first slice of cake. Granted, I shoved it in his face, but it counted.
“Are you having a good birthday?” I asked later after the kids had dropped off and been on the party bus.
“The best.” He smiled, pulling me closer.
“I’m just mad I didn’t get that girlie scream recorded,” Slade grumped.
“You wish,” Grayson shot back.
“Oh, I did,” Bubba said. Grayson spun and tackled Bubba.
“Give it to me, Old man. No one needs to see that.” Bubba shoved Grayson away, laughing as he tried to grab his phone.
“Madd, help me out,” Grayson pouted.
“Nah. I remember you telling me I’d never be as pretty as you last night, so I think I’ll sit this one out.” He pulled me into his lap, sticking his tongue out at Grayson. It didn’t matter how old we were; they still acted like teenagers sometimes.
“Fine. Brooks! You owe me for lying about the party.”
He crossed his arms. “I didn’t lie. You asked if Darcie was planning anything. She wasn’t. That was all me.” He smiled wide, and Grayson’s jaw dropped.
“Traitor! Also, I finally found the first problem being in a fivesome.”
“What’s that?” I asked around a laugh.
“Too many witnesses,” he said, trying to grab Bubba’s phone one more time. Everyone laughed, and he took his seat. “Fine. Just you wait. Those of you who haven’t turned forty, I’ll get you so good!”