Page 185 of Music City Diaries

I know you can’t really read these, but having a place to talk to you, even if only for my benefit, saved me. I would have never survived Music City without my diary.

I love you, Mom.


Omni Epilogue



Some days,when I thought about my life and the journey it took me to get here, I almost couldn’t believe this was real. The kick in my distended belly told me otherwise. Rubbing the spot, I smiled as I walked out onto the deck. It was one of my favorite places, and I spent any free moment sitting out here in the sun.

The deck wasn’t anything special—it wrapped around the back of the house and had a swing, picnic table, and grill. Flowers bloomed from pots, and the floral aroma tickled my nostrils as I settled onto the swing, the canopy providing the perfect shade. Bending one leg on the cushion, I kicked with the other into a slow rock and sat back to stare out into the yard.

The view was what drew me to this spot. It provided the perfect place to watch the ones I loved. On days like today, when it was cool, I could find just about everyone in the house out here. Brooks walked beside Charlie, our three-year-old, as they sat atop Ginger, their pony. The kid loved horses as much as Brooks and spent every waking hour he was allowed to riding.

Next to them, Bubba tended to his garden. He’d gotten into growing his own food and even had a booth at the local farmer’s market where he sold any excess. It was cute to see him tending to his crops. He took as much care with them as he did tattooing. The man was resolute in his focus, something I took full advantage of when he was between my legs.

Maddox shut the door to the chicken coop, a basket full of eggs in his hands as he headed my way. We now had six chickens, one rooster, a pot-belly pig, two cats, and a dog. Our little farm of unwanted animals had grown exponentially, and I loved every single one of them. Becca rushed over to him, and he stopped to listen to her. She’d blossomed so much since she’d come to live with us. She’d become an integral part of our family.

She helped at the tattoo shop and Live Like A Queen throughout the week. She’d tried the mechanic shop and gym, but they’d both been too loud and chaotic for her. The customers at Tattooed Hearts loved her, and she enjoyed being around Bubba. There was something about his energy she jived with and any time she had a choice; she’d spend it helping him. It was sweet. But she also liked making a difference atLive Like a Queen, so she would alternate her days to help women find their voice. Something she’d gained once she was out from under her father’s thumb.

“What’s shakin’, good lookin’?” Grayson said, sitting beside me and wrapping an arm around my back. He handed me a glass of lemonade and kissed my cheek.

“Just watching,” I said, taking a sip.

“Hmm, it is a good view.”

“It is.” I smiled over at him. “Did Grace go down for her nap?”

“Yep.” He smiled, sighing as he leaned back. “That girl’s got some spirit.”

I chuckled. “That’s one way of saying she’s stubborn.”

“Nah. Spirited.”

Leaning my head against his shoulder, I nuzzled closer into his body and enveloping scent. His free hand moved to rub my belly. I couldn’t believe we were about to have three kids under three. Thank Gucci there were plenty of hands to help out. It hadn’t been our plan to have this many kids so close together, but something about me being pregnant made all of my husbands feral, and the second I was able to have sex again, they were on me. Not that I complained. The sex was amazing.

Hopefully, after this next one, I’d get a little break. Childbirth was exhausting.

Grayson and I rocked for a few minutes alone until Charlie finished his riding lesson. He barreled up the steps on his wobbly legs, his smile big as he hurried to me.

“Momma. Daddy G!” he cried, launching himself at us when he was close. Since Charlie was the first, he got to choose what he called all the guys, much to their dismay.

“What’s up, little man? Did you have fun on Ginger?” Grayson asked. He roughed up his brown curls, pressing a big kiss on his cheek.

“Uh-huh. Dad said I’m natural.” He smiled big, proud of himself.

“That you are, Bug.” I brushed his hair off his forehead, smiling into his face. “You ready for a snack, or do you want to help Pop in the garden?”

He thought about it, tapping his finger on his chin like he saw Maddox doing at times. “Snack.”

“I’ll take him,” Becca said, holding out her hand. She loved being an aunt and had been a massive help with watching Charlie and Grace.

“Go with Auntie Becs,” I said, kissing him on the cheek. He slid off Grayson’s lap but stopped and kissed my belly.

“Love you,” he said, patting my bump before he ran to his aunt.