Page 169 of Music City Diaries

There was no shame in needing others, only love.

I took one last look around the compound, cataloging everything. The empty yard was deceptive, and so was the quietnight. Thankfully, before I had my freakout last night, the others had successfully planted their cameras and given us eyes into Agonizer’s operation. And while he was meant to meet with us—a potential new buyer—without an entourage, he had men covering every exit and entry into the warehouse.

The message was clear—if he didn’t want us to leave, we wouldn’t.

Good thing we weren’t naive.

With one last breath, I hardened my armor and took the last few steps toward the door. Agonizer wasn’t the only one with hidden sentries; if it came down to it, we’d fight our way out of here. I just prayed it didn’t.

Envisioning their faces again, I strode through the door Maddox opened like the badass Queen I was.

The two men inside did not disappoint.

Sitting like two false kings, Stanley and Chase were perched on crates with burly men clad in leather holding guns behind them. The smart mouth in me wanted to ask if they’d recently bingedSons of Anarchyor if the look just came about naturally.

Curbing my dark humor, I zeroed in on their expressions as we came into view.

Stanley was subtle. The corner of his eyes widened before he schooled his features and returned to his blank and calculating face. His eyes were dead, and there was no doubt he’d end us immediately if he wanted. It was the smidge of curiosity I was banking on to keep us alive long enough to get out of here. That and knowing he wanted what he felt was owed to him.


I smirked, loving the thrill of power as he eyed me. His instant dismissal fueled me, making me bolder.

I loved it when they dismissed me.

Swiveling my gaze to Chase, I smiled wide at his slack jaw. Chase needed to learn from his father how to mask hisfeelings. Not that I was complaining. It was validating to know I’d surprised them. His shock turned to lust as his eyes heated, trailing over my body.

Surprisingly, I didn’t feel disgusted by their looks like I’d assumed. Instead, it fed me power.

These men had tried to steal my beauty and innocence, taking it as something they felt owed. But my time as a cam girl had taught me how to wield my beauty, transform a perceived weakness into a strength, and decide for myself who held the power.

They saw a petite, blonde girl with a pretty face and a sexy body. To them, that meant my worth was good for one thing—their pleasure, and theirs only.

Except, men didn’t get to tell me how I felt about myself. I did. And I saw those same features as weapons. They weren’t the measure of my worth or even the best things about me. Nothing but a tool for me to use how I saw fit. No one else.

Planting my hands on my hips, I kept my stance wide. I wouldn’t make myself smaller any longer.

“Hello, boys. It’s been a long time.” I eyed Chase, smiling sweetly. I prowled closer as I ran my finger over the crates. “How’s the stab wound?”

His eyes hardened, but I didn’t miss the tiny flicker of fear as he flicked his eyes to his dad. Ah, so he hadn’t told Daddy Dearest about our scuffle. Interesting.

“I never took you for the dumb blonde, princess.”

Maddox bristled beside me, but I kept my gaze on Chase and brushed Maddox’s arm. He relaxed under my touch, trusting me.

“Oh? Did you not get the memo, Chase? Is Daddy not keeping you in the loop?” I flicked my gaze to Stanley, then back quickly. That brief look had been too much. Agonizer’s curiosityhad grown. Now, he seemed…fascinated. The increased danger attached to that emotion was clear as day to me.

Chase stood from his makeshift throne, continuing to broadcast every emotion. Had he always been this easy to read, and I’d ignored it? Or was his anger making him sloppy? I’d have to explore that later. Now was not the time for observation.

“For your information, I’m head of?—”

“Enough,” Stanley barked, cutting off Chase.

Well, well, well.

Pouting, I ignored Stanley and focused on Chase. “Shame, it was just starting to get good. But I guess some of us are still in diapers, while others have graduated to… well, I prefer thongs or nothing. Easier access that way,” I purred.

An insult and sexual innuendo in one. Damn, I’d gotten good.