Page 167 of Music City Diaries

“Did he say anything about tonight?” Maddox nodded, but it was off.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Something isn’t adding up. If Bones knows as much as he says, why hasn’t he arrested him already? Why use us?”

“Because it’s not an official operation,” Darcie countered.

“What do you mean?” Bubba barked.

“He’s gone to all this trouble to ensure we capture Stanley. He got Maddox out, and they put away Destroyer. But then he went and kidnapped Becca and followed him to us. He’s gotten desperate. It doesn’t add up.”

“But he got me out of prison.”

“I’m not saying he’s a fake. We checked him out, and he’s a real agent. So my best guess is he had clearance to get you out and put Destroyer away. But for whatever reason, they didn’t back him on Stanley. Weren’t there more agents around for cornering your dad?”

Maddox chewed over the information. “Yeah. There were. So, this is off the books?”

“Or Stanley does have agents in his pocket, so to ensure the success of it, he came to us. If it fails, he chalks it up to an MC brawl. If it succeeds, he’s the hero at the bureau.”

“Hmm, and Becca’s his insurance card if we decided not to follow through?”

“Yep. He can’t send you back like he threatened since you already fulfilled your deal, so he’s using her instead.”

“Fuck.” Maddox stood and paced back and forth.

“It doesn’t change anything. It just means we know his agenda,” I argued.

Maddox paused, digested my words, and nodded. His shoulders relaxed, and he met my eyes, his blue ones filled with gratitude. It struck me how, at the beginning of this journey, I was the one in need of the assurance, and now I was giving it to him.

We were a brotherhood, ready to step in when the others needed us. That felt good.

“Everything is in place to make our move tonight. Let’s stick to the plan. If it fails, we regroup, but as I see it, there’s no point in delaying. Hank won’t last much longer,” Grayson said.

Darcie nodded, her eyes distant. I knew she was worried about her dad but couldn’t focus on it. So we’d all agreed to do it for her. We’d make sure her dad was a priority and get him out of there. No matter what.

The rest of the afternoon floated by in a flurry of movements as everyone prepared for the night. Everyone knew their roleand had time to go over their part, spend time with their loved ones, or blow off steam. The five of us had flitted between all three activities.

Darcie had run through the plan backward and forward until Grayson had pulled her away to the fighting ring. We’d all gone a few rounds until we were sweaty and, well, a little horny. Waylon won the time with her and didn’t waste a minute picking her up and carrying her to the secluded room we’d been given. It was almost torture to listen to Darcie’s moans and not be able to join in. The relaxed expression on her face afterward was worth it, though.

“You ready?” Maddox asked me.

“I am. I thought I’d be more nervous, but I’m not. Maybe it will hit me when we get there, and I’ll freeze up and be useless.” Shit. Would that happen?

“Nah. You’re good, Baby Brawler. I watched the recap of your tests, and you were calm and cool. You got this, Brooks.”

My heart slowed, and I took a deep breath. “Yeah. You’re right. I do.”

Maddox laughed, slapping me as he headed to his bike. We’d been using the truck so much to get around; I was looking forward to riding. Darcie walked out looking like sin personified. My knee-jerk reaction to having her change left me as quickly as it came. She was using everything she had in her arsenal, and that included looking hot.

Agonizer was the type of man who dismissed women, especially beautiful ones. Her looking like a badass biker chick was needed.

And if it gave all those assholes a boner, it made it harder for them to ride. And perhaps, an easier target for us to hit. This was street fighting rules. Anything went.

“I’m not saying goodbye,” Darcie said, staring me down like she’d fight me if I said it.

“Good because it isn’t.”

Her shoulders relaxed, and she smiled. She stepped closer and pulled the sides of my jacket. Her sugary scent invaded me, and I groaned as my cock hardened. Dropping my head to hers, I held her tightly and breathed her in.