I shuddered. “Yeah, well. I thought he was my friend, but he wasn’t. So I stabbed him.”
Kiki’s jaw dropped, and Saucy barked out a laugh. “Shut up. No way!”
I laughed, some of the tension leaving me. “In the side, but I’d thought I’d killed him. But unless he has a twin, he’s alive and well.” My mood dimmed, and I dropped my eyes. Kiki reached out and grasped my hand.
“Your dad is strong. He’ll hold on.”
I nodded, but I couldn’t allow myself to believe her words. I couldn’t hold out hope for him. It would hurt too much later if I did. It would be better if I prepared myself now.
“Queen, if you’re done, I’d like to introduce you,” Tiny said, pulling our attention.
I looked around the barn, realizing everyone else had stopped what they were doing and were watching me. Kiki smiled, squeezing my hand, and motioned for me to follow Tiny.
Standing up, I kept my head high as I walked into the center. My guys followed and their presence was a comfort. The reprieve to eat had been nice, but it was time for business. We didn’t have any time to waste.
“Most of you know by now that Tank was taken by Agonizer tonight and beaten. He wanted to be the one to introduce you to his daughter, but since he’s not here, you get me.” Tiny smiled, garnering a few chuckles. “This woman is going to change the course we’ve been stuck on. She’s the one who will take Agonizerdown and return our city back to what it was. Her name couldn’t be more fitting. I present to you, Queen.”
Everyone’s eyes switched to me, taking me in from head to toe. Thankfully, I no longer wore the boy costume. Brooks had taken the wig off in the truck, letting my hair down. Still, I’d wanted to look fierce when I met the last of the Mavericks, not like a panda who’d rolled around in their own filth. Nonetheless, I was here and owned it regardless of my appearance.
Head held high, I met the eyes around me with an unwavering gaze. I might look small, but I meant business.
“I’m not one to make empty promises. I had too many spoken to me in my lifetime to waste my breath. So know that when I say Agonizerwillpay for the crimes he’s committed. If you want to join us in our fight, I won’t turn anyone away. But no one will be forced either. It won’t be easy, and there’s no guarantee we’ll all survive, but I’m tired of men determining my fate. So, if you’re in, meet us up front in an hour. I need to shower and change clothes before being my best badass self.”
I got a few chuckles, nods, and welcoming smiles, making me feel like we might be able to do this.
Kiki showed me where the showers were, and Mack handed me my bag. Apparently, they’d gotten word too late about Tank being taken and that it wasn’t safe to stay in the motel any longer, so a crew of RMD—Rebels Mavericks Diamonds who’d defected—had gone to pack up our things and bring our bikes here.
I was too thankful to have my stuff to worry about strangers touching my things. Sometimes, it was best not to entertain thoughts you couldn’t control.
After a mediocre shower, I dressed in leather pants, stiletto boots, a studded belt, and a red top that crisscrossed at the top. I brushed out my hair and did my makeup, taking extra care of my eyeliner and lipstick. Tossing on my leather jacket, I struttedinto the room feeling like a million bucks, ready to lead the few people I figured would volunteer.
I came to an abrupt stop two steps in. Everyone stood at the front of the barn, waiting for my command. Everyone. Young and old. Kiki spotted me first and smiled wide.
“We’re all in, Queen. Ride or die.”
Ride or die, indeed.
Diary #15
Dear Mom,
It’s been a long time since I thought about my future. For quite a few years, it was hard enough to make it to the next day, and the future seemed too far away.
But now, it’s something I can’t seem to stop thinking about. Maybe it’s because it’s not guaranteed, and that’s even more apparent as we face Agonizer, so my brain is like, what if? Perhaps it’s a coping mechanism, so I don’t get too bogged down in the scary.
So, what do I keep thinking about?
A cozy little house with lots of yard space. I want it full of animals, from cats, dogs, and chickens to pigs. I want a field of sunflowers and a house with enough rooms to have our space. A garage for Grayson, a training space for Brooks, an art studio for Bubba, and a gym for Maddox. I want a closet the size ofa room, a clawfoot tub, and a dance studio. I want a bed big enough for all of us but also with individual spaces so we can have our alone time. A kitchen with an oversized island and a big window overlooking the backyard. A dining room table to seat all our friends and an outdoor space with a hammock.
And in a few years, mini versions of me and the men I love. Our place will be full of love and laughter. I can see it all. Even the Mavericks will come to visit. Tiny and Mac. Kiki and Saucy. Even Dad.
It’s a beautiful dream. I hope it doesn’t stay that way.