McDaniels: Watch your back, Man.
I thanked him and double-checked the VPN, ensuring my location was hidden before I sent my next message.
Maddox: How is she?
Nothing came through, and I swallowed the panic wanting to rise. There was no way Destroyer knew where Becca was. I’d hidden her well. I’d used…
Darcie’s head whipped around; her eyes wide as she took in my panicked state. She climbed out of Bubba’s arms and rushed over to me.
“What is it?”
“Text your dad and ask him when the MCD program was infiltrated.”
She nodded, taking out a burner and sending a message to the number Hank had left. It buzzed back instantly, and her brow creased. I knew I wouldn’t like the answer before she even said it.
“A year and a half ago.”
“Fuck.” I stood, gripping the ends of my hair as I paced back and forth. Did this mean she’d never been safe? Did their influence reach across the whole network? I spun around. “Ask if that includes the server.”
Darcie nodded and sent the message. I had to look crazed, but I didn’t care. I kept my gaze on her, worried I’d break into a million pieces if I looked away. It was only the woman in front of me who kept me together.
“As far as he knows, no one knows of its existence since only the highest in the program gained access.” She glanced up, her eyes searching mine. My entire body deflated like a balloon and I crashed onto the edge of the bed, nearly missing it. The tightfist wrapped around my lungs and my heart loosened, and I breathed in a lungful of air.
She was safe. She was safe.
Warm hands pressed into my cheeks and lifted my face upward. “Maddox?”
“Becca,” I wheezed. “I thought…” I shook my head. I didn’t have to say the rest for her to know.
“We’ll transfer all the important records to a secondary location and delete the history just to be sure.”
I nodded, expelling another breath. “Yeah. Good. Okay.”
Darcie’s hands traced my jaw, soothing me more as she erased the panic. Once I felt grounded, I clasped her hands and kissed her palms. It was then I realized she’d climbed into my lap. Her breasts were on display in a sexy corset, and my dick instantly took notice.
“Hot damn, Princess. You’ve been wearing this the whole time?”
She giggled, filling me with lightness. How I could go from fearing for my sister to wanting to ravage Darcie in under a minute was pure magic.
“Before your dick breaks through your jeans, we need to discuss what we’re going to do,” Bubba said, breaking my lust haze.
Groaning, I rested my forehead against Darcie’s and squeezed her around the waist. The minx rocked herself against my erection before hopping off my lap. She winked and moved over to Grayson, who eagerly swooped her into his arms.
Bubba’s jaw twitched. If I had to guess, it was from wanting to give in, not out of jealousy. The man pretended to care, but it was clear as day he didn’t—at least not with us—his brothers.
Hearing him call me that the other day had been shocking, but I wouldn’t deny it had felt good. I’d thought I had it with theMavericks, that feeling of belonging, but it had never felt like it does with these men.
I’d had Hank, a father figure I respected and needed, but I never had brothers. These men were willing to go alongside battle, fight for justice, and love the same woman with me.
“What’s there to discuss? We give the info to Agent Dickwad, do a sting, and then boom, we get to go home.”
“Do a sting?” Grayson chuckled.
Darcie lifted her shoulder. “Yeah. You know, whatever it’s called. We turn the tables, walk into the enemy’s lair and be like ‘boom, sucker!’ and then the feds rush in, and we ride off into the sunset.”