Page 128 of Music City Diaries



My dick was achingly hard,and unfortunately, I wouldn’t be getting relief any time soon. I glared at the agent who’d interrupted my kiss with Darcie. I should be balls-deep in her right now, or at least tasting her sweet cream on my tongue. Instead, I’d been shoved into a chair in this greasy diner with a hard dick, horrible lighting, and no exit strategy on the horizon.

Shifting, I pressed the palm of my hand down to find some ease. It didn’t help, so I intensified my glare at the agent, hoping it would speed him up. With the way he perused the limited menu, acting like the world’s best cuisine rested on its pages, I doubted my plea would be answered. I was dangerously close to making a scene. If I threw coffee on him, how far could I get?

Sighing, I slumped back into my seat and sipped the bitter coffee. Grimacing, I set it back down and assessed how my brothers were faring. Bubba had a death stare leveled at the man, acting like he could make the man’s head explode from a look. Maddox’s teeth grinded with every word he spoke and his fists were balled so tight at his sides I worried he’d cut off his circulation. But he kept his words polite. Brooks was the onlyone who didn’t seem bothered. He ordered a plate of biscuits and gravy and drank his coffee as if it didn’t taste like motor oil.

Darcie continued to stare at the man curiously but hadn’t said anything else since we’d sat down. She was wedged between me and Maddox, so I took her hand. She swung her gaze to me, squeezing my hand when our eyes met. It was enough to calm my heart and settle my nerves.

“How long have you been following us?” she asked, turning back to the man.

The agent smiled, and I hated how pleased he seemed with Darcie as if he’d found a hidden treasure he couldn’t wait to exploit.

“Me personally? I only arrived here this evening.”

“And the person you had tailing us?”

Again, Agent Bones smiled and glanced at Maddox. “I think the student has surpassed the master.” Maddox bristled at the taunt, and Darcie reached over and placed her hand on his thigh. “Did you really think I wouldn’t put a tracker on your lowrider?” He tsked as if he was disappointed in Maddox. The beast of a man vibrated with tension, and I suddenly worried we’d have a whole different type of scene on our hands. One involving bloodshed and hiding bodies.

“As fun as I’m sure it is to push my boyfriend’s buttons, can we move this meeting along. I have plans for the rest of the evening.”

Hello! My dick perked up at the tone and words. Commanding Darcie was hot.

“You know, you’ve definitely had my office in a tizzy the past week as they tried to figure out who you were dating.”

Bubba growled, Maddox tensed, and Brooks looked at the agent for the first time in warning. I was halfway to grabbing Darcie and escaping out the backdoor when she reminded us why she was our queen.

She leaned forward, her eyes hard as she stared at Agent Bones. My dick twitched again, clearly not caring that this wasn’t a good time to get frisky.

“I’m grateful for the deal you made for Maddox to be released, but let’s cut the shit where we pretend we’re friends. If you want to know something about my life, ask it. Doesn’t mean I’ll answer, but it’s better than this passive-aggressive beating around the bush we’re currently doing. So, Agent Bones, is there something you want to know?”

He smiled, holding up his hands. “Fair enough, Ms. Callaway.” Darcie tensed for the first time since the agent arrived, and Maddox’s gaze flew up to the agent as well. I met Bubba’s eyes. He’d caught it, too. We shared a silent conversation, and I knew my role if shit went down.

Take her. Run.

“It’s a pleasure to officially meet you, Rosebud.”

“That’s not my name,” Darcie countered.

“Oh? Do tell then. Your father was proud of his little rosebud blooming. Though, I didn’t tell him about that cam business.” He tapped his nose, smirking like he’d done her a favor.

Darcie’s muscles clenched tighter with each layer the agent revealed. My mind spun as I tried to recall everything she’d told us, but I knew I was missing something.

“How long have you been keeping tabs onme?”

“Since your birth.” His white teeth gleamed under the shitty fluorescent. I’d be jealous if he wasn’t such an asshole. Knowing my luck, he achieved the whiteness by plucking butterfly wings or some shit. No, thanks.

“What do you want with Darcie?” Bubba bellowed, unable to keep himself quiet any longer. He didn’t like not being in control, especially when this jackass wasn’t giving us all the information.

“That’s simple. I just want her help.”

The waitress delivered his plate of food, and he groaned as he took a bite. The discussion stopped, but none of us moved. We didn’t pick up our forks. We didn’t drink our coffee. With rapt attention, we watched the man who could ruin our lives enjoy his mediocre meal.

Darcie sat back and crossed her leg over the other, suddenly relaxed. I hadn’t picked up on what shifted her stance, so I stared, confused. But something had. She no longer seemed worried…but smug. Her smile was eerie, and I’d hate to be on the receiving end of it.

“Here’s how it’s going to go,Agent Bones. There will be no more drop-ins, visits, or tails. You either trust us to help, or you don’t. But we can’t do what we need to do if you’re watching us. It’s throwing off my danger sensor, and I needthatto work if we want to survive.”