“Just give me a minute, and I’ll be ready, too,” Darcie said, picking up her bag and skipping into the bathroom.
Bubba narrowed his gaze on us once she was gone. “No one lets her out of their sight. I don’t care if she goes to piss; someone will be right there with her. Not a single person should come into contact with her. It will be hard since she draws them like flies,” he grumbled.
Despite his sour attitude, I got it. Darcie had been through a lot of shit, and menweredrawn to her. She couldn’t help it. She was beautiful and had an energy that drew you in. You wanted to be around her, to feel her aura, even if only for a second. It didn’t surprise me that she constantly had attention, but it did make protecting her challenging. Good thing our girl was a badass.
“Darcie can take care of herself,” I reminded. “She’s tough.”
“Damn straight,” she agreed, stepping out of the bathroom and grabbing all of our attention.
Fucking. Damn. She looked incredible.
Darcie wore a form fitting, mid-length leopard print skirt that clung to her curves and hit just below her knees with a Dolly Parton T-shirt that she’d tied at the waist. Her boots looked shrunken since they were only to her ankles and had fringe hanging off the side. Her hair was in braids, and she’d painted red lipstick across her lips. I didn’t know if she was trying toblend in with her disguise, but she’d failed. Big time. Darcie would undoubtedly be the most gorgeous woman in whatever honky tonk bar we went to.
Maybe this was a bad idea.
Bubba growled, echoing my concerns. I was two seconds away from saying we should stay here when she grabbed Grayson’s hand and sauntered right out of the room, Brooks hot on her tail. Bubba gave me a look, and I read it for all it was worth.
It’s up to us.
By the time we made it outside after ensuring both rooms were locked and the privacy on, they were already halfway down the street. Bubba grunted and picked up his speed to catch them while I placed my fingers between my lips and whistled twice sharply.
Darcie stopped, and Bubba turned, lifting his eyebrow.
“MCD protocol. The only thing that girl listens to.”
“Shit. I need to learn that.”
I snorted, slapping him on the shoulder. “Nah. You like fighting with her. Otherwise, you couldn’t pretend to boss her around and be mad while she sucks your dick.”
“Asshole,” he grunted, but didn’t deny my words.
Laughing, the two of us walked casually to meet up with the other three. I could almost pretend we were an average group of people going out for a night on the town. We’d dance, have a few beers, and eat fried food. We’d laugh and go home, happy and sated to spend time with our girl.
But as the sun dipped behind the horizon, I knew it was only an illusion. The eyes following us as we walked said otherwise.
Diary #2
From: [email protected]
Subject: group projects
Dear Lennox,
How is the road tour going? Are you loving your life on the road as a hot musician? I can imagine the glares Slade sends to any men who try to talk to you. Though, I bet the sex afterward is hawt!
We’re at our second stop. One more, and we’ll be closer to ending this once and for all. I’m both ready and dreading it. I want to reclaim my life, but I’m also scared about seeing my dad. What if he’s changed? What if he’s not the man I remember?
As badass as I’ve become, I don’t think I could turn my father in if he’s become a criminal. Does that make me a bad person?
It’s just one more thing the Agonizer will have to answer for if he has.
I might not get to write as much once we’re at the MCD compound, but I’ll be sure to let you know how we’re doing.
In lighter news, Maddox and I finally had sex. And it was amazeballs! Like, holy shit! Now, I need to figure out how to get them all naked in the same room. Any seduction tips? It might be more of a ‘me get naked with them all in the same room and see what happens’ kind of thing. Maybe I can get them to lower their guards tonight and then have their way with me.
Is it anti-feminist to want them to defile me? Like, I want to be thrown down, manhandled, and made to come so many times I forget my name.