I’m rambling tonight, but that’s how my brain feels.
Maddox left me alone for the first time since it happened. It’s been one week, but it feels like forever. At first, I was glad tohave some space, but after thirty minutes, the darkness started to cover me. He’s looking into a more permanent place for us. We settled in Memphis. I wish I could enjoy it more. I always wanted to come here, but the lights and sounds are all too much right now. It feels right, though. The blues of this place speak of things I feel in my bones.
What do you think I would be good at? I guess in a way, I get to reinvent myself, be a version of Darcie that wasn’t raped. Yeah, I kind of like that.
My knee jiggledagainst the bed. It’d been two hours, and I was officially losing my mind. I picked up the phone and the card Chase had given me. It had a number on it and a symbol. How strange. Did he just go around and hand them out to girls? Was that how guys did it?
Hey, baby, here’s my card. Give me a call.
I could just imagine the wink and finger point that went along with a line like that. No, it had to be for some other reason. Chase was a lot of things, but I didn’t think he was one to have to hand his number out to girls. The boy was too hot for that.
Sighing, I typed it into the phone, hesitating. What would I say? Was it even a good idea? I knew Maddox would tell me not to, but there was the girl who’d been friends with him that felt I owed him at least a hello.
Yeah. Sure, Darcie.
Darcie: Hey
Wow, I really put myself out there with that one. Flopping back on the bed, I placed my hand over my head. If this was whatgirls went through when texting a boy, I was kind of glad I’d missed it. It was horrible.
The phone buzzed in my hand, and I practically jumped out of my skin. Sitting up, I opened it, my heart racing.
555-8394: Hey
Well, that didn’t help. Ugh, I guess I had to be the one to use more words. Saving the number, a smile lit up my face. I just needed to remember to be someone else. Notthisversion of myself—fake it until I could make it, and all that.
Darcie: You’ve now been saved as Jackass.
Darcie: I just wanted to say thanks. I guess.
Jackass: Wow, I save you, and I get a title like Jackass. I’m offended, babe.
Darcie: I’m not your babe and I said thanks.
Darcie: You’re a jackass for a whole lot of other reasons.
Jackass: Oh? Please list all the ways I’ve offended you, princess.
Darcie: Don’t call me that. I’m not a princess. And that would take me all day.
Jackass: Fine, what can I call you then if I’m not allowed to call you babe or princess? I don’t think it would be wise to save you under your name, considering my dad is on the warpath looking for you.
I sucked in a breath, biting my lip. Shit. He had a point, but the thought of Chase calling me a pet name felt too intimate, and that was too much for me at the moment.
Darcie: Call me Ghost.
Jackass: Feels a bit unfair, but fine.
Jackass: How are you? See, I’m not such a jackass.
Darcie: Fine. You’re not always one, just 75% of the time. You weren’t always that way, though. I remember you being sweet once.