Page 112 of Music City Diaries

The friendly one nodded, not dropping his smile.

“I’m sorry; what were all your names again? I was so excited about finding Princess that everything else faded. I’d like to move on from the pretty one, the friendly one, and the big one.”

The room was quiet for a second before they erupted into laughter.

“I guess I’m the friendly one?” the guy in front of me asked, wiping his eyes once he stopped.


“I’m Brooks or Cowboy. Grayson is the pretty one, also known as Pretty Boy, and the big one is Bubba to most, Waylon to a few.”

“You can call me Bubba. You have to earn, Waylon,” he muttered, crossing his arms. Despite his attitude, I could tell it was all for show. He just wanted me to believe he was angrier than he was. If he’d protected Darcie from the men trying to find her, then I’d let him have this one.

“Got it. And thanks for letting me crash. It means a lot. I’m glad that Darcie has had you three, honestly.”

The guys nodded, taking my thanks to heart.

Later that night, as we sat around a firepit in the backyard, eating hamburgers and drinking a few beers, I imagined a future I’d long given up. One that included a club full of men who were more than members, but brothers, and a woman at the center uniting them. Perhaps after everything was done, I could finally live a life that wasn’t on the run.

My phone vibrated, a message from Agent Bones to not dally here, as I still had to deliver the Agonizer.

It was then I remembered it was a nice dream, but it would never be my future. But for now, I’d pretend, soaking up the time I spent with my princess.

Diary #17

Dear Dad,

Maddox has returned to me. I think I’m still shocked about it, if I’m being honest. I keep looking at him, expecting him to disappear, only a figment of my desperate imagination.

But he’s here with me.

The guys aren’t sure about him yet, not that I blame them. He’s someone new, someone they’ve only known to leave me.

I’m hoping over time that will change, and they will trust him as much as I do.

Everything I’ve learned about myself in the last month or so, and all the pain that Maddox has endured, has made me think about things differently.

I’m finally ready to heal and move past things that should’ve never happened. And that means it’s time to forgive you.

While you played a part in the things that occurred, you weren’t responsible for the sick things he did, and I can see that now.

It was easier to be mad at you because I missed you, and it hurt too much. My anger covered the parts that hurt.

I’ve met some men who fill me with happiness and love. They see me as the strong woman I want to be. Their belief in me has encouraged me to face the hard things.

I’m not sure what will happen now, but I know I’m done hiding.





Over the next week,things fell into a natural routine. Maddox would join me wherever I worked for the day, getting to know the guys better in the process. He’d easily won over Brooks and Grayson. It was cute how close they’d gotten in the short time frame.

I hadn’t ever seen Maddox have a guy friend before, considering he’d always been one of the youngest Mavericks and spent most of his time with my father. Getting to see him bond with two of the guys I’d fallen in love with warmed my heart more than I realized it would.