Page 68 of Music City Diaries


Voices trickledinto my open door, stirring me out of my stupor. I opened my eyes, rubbing them as I sat up. Drool was crusted on my chin, so I wiped it, licking my lips to wet them.

I’d fallen asleep and slept hard. The room was pitch dark, with only a tiny tendril of light coming through the windows. I glanced at the phone I’d just gotten to note the time—7 pm.

Damn. I’d been out for a good four hours.

Picking up the tablet, the red icon of the battery flashed telling me it was dead. So I got off the bed and plugged it in, setting it on the dresser. I was still wearing the baggy shirt from earlier, my hair a mess in the ponytail I’d pulled it back into. While I didn’t want to seem like a diva and change now that they were home, I had an odd desire to push buttons where these two men were concerned.

Pulling out a pair of yoga pants, I replaced the jeans and pulled on a crop top and a long cardigan. It was comfy, with a hint of sexuality. Running a brush through my hair, I made my way toward the noise.

I spotted a guy with his back to me first; his shaggy brown hair was longer than the other guys, covering his ears and downhis neck. He wore a blue shirt and jeans, his legs spread as he told a story to Bubba, who was facing him. I could spot Grayson in the background near the stove.

Hesitating, I realized it must be the third roommate. I slowed my steps, not wanting to interrupt. When his voice hit my ears, I froze.

It was deep, smooth, and one I’d listened to countless nights.

But how could that be?

Frozen in my tracks, I blinked when Bubba spotted me, calling for me to enter the kitchen.

“Brooks, this is Darcie. Darcie, this is Brooks or Cowboy.”

I smiled, taking in the face of the man I’d been intimate with, but had never seen. He had a strong jawline covered with stubble, sharp cheekbones, and green eyes that were so bright, I almost squinted. He was gorgeous, and I was staring right at him. His face turned red, some of the shyness I remembered coming to light.

“Howdy,” he said, tilting his head toward me. His voice rolled over me, hitting all my spots like it used to. I opened my mouth to say something when Pretty Boy walked over, slinging his arm around me.

“How was your day, sugar?” he asked, smiling down at me.

“Um, fine,” I whispered, clearing my throat. I suddenly had the urge to hide my identity in case I was wrong. If this was my Shy Cowboy, then I wanted that reunion in private.

I looked at Bubba, who was watching me, his eyes narrowed. “Truck do alright?”

I nodded, pulling my cardigan together. I no longer had the urge to push buttons.

“Thanks for the leftovers. I was starved when I got in and ate quite a bit,” Brooks said, his voice softer. Did he recognize me?

I smiled, nodding as well. I wasn’t one to ever be at a loss for words, but they no longer wanted to come to me.

“Well, I think I’m going to unpack,” I whispered, heading to my room before they could question me. I walked quickly, shutting the door behind me and leaning against it.

This place just got a whole lot more interesting.

I skipped dinner,unable to find the courage to sit through an entire meal and not speak. Everything in my boxes and bags was now organized as I sat on the bed, staring at them. It was odd how the contents of my life fit into this room.

A few personal items, a box I wasn’t ready to open yet, and a week’s worth of clothes. Since I’d packed them at random, I had an eclectic assortment. Along with my cowboy boots and hat, I also had a leather jacket and leather pants, a few dresses, some shorts, and flannels. The only other shoes I had that weren’t boots were high heels and the old pair of sneakers I’d worn earlier.

I was going to need to remedy the wardrobe situation quickly, or I’d look like an extra from a country music video.

My stomach growled, and I winced. While my heart couldn’t take sitting there without knowing, my stomach didn’t agree. It was about ten o’clock now, so I listened, trying to hear all the sounds of the house. There was a TV on somewhere, but it was low, making me wonder if it was being watched or just on for noise.

A washer tumbled in the distance, but I couldn’t hear anyone else moving. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out into the hall and looked both ways. It was clear, so I tiptoed down the hallway toward the kitchen.

If I had to eat Chinese again, I would. My stomach wholeheartedly agreed.

To my utter amazement, a plate covered in plastic wrap sat on the counter, a note sitting on top of it.
