Then two more.
Then two more.
Before long, we were outside, and I felt a weight lift off me. Maddox pulled me toward his bike, and I followed.
It was the snap of a twig that had me startling, jumping to the side as Chase stepped out of the shadows.
“And just where are you two headed? You wouldn’t be running away with my bride-to-be, would you, Mad Dog?”
“Chase,” I croaked. At the sound, he looked down at me, taking me in. His eyes drifted over my whole frame, and I sawthe moment he realized something wasn’t right. He dropped the cocky guy act, stepping forward in concern.
“Darcie, what happened? Are you okay?” It was the boy of my childhood, the one who played house and baked cookies with me when his sister wouldn’t. I hadn’t seen that side of Chase in years.
“Your father’s what happened,” Maddox growled, stepping in front of me.
“My father? Wait, what?” Chase kept trying to peer around the brute in front of me to see me.
I touched Maddox’s arm, stepping around. “Yes, your father, he um,” I said, my lip starting to tremble. “He came to visit me.”
Thankfully, it was all I needed to say as I saw understanding flash across his face.
“Shit. I’m so sorry, Darcie. He hasn’t been the same the past year. I don’t know what’s changed, but something big is coming. I…” He scrubbed the back of his head, pulling at his dark locks as he debated. “Here.” He reached into his pocket, pulling out money, a phone, and a business card. “It’s not much, but hopefully, it will help. Call me when it’s safe. It’s untraceable.”
“Like fucking hell will I do that,” Maddox said, stepping back in front of me. “You need to turn and go inside now before I decide to punch you out cold like dear old dad.”
“Listen, shit for brains, I don’t care what happens to you, but I do her. I wasn’t on board with this whole marriage thing, but I didn’t want her to be raped by my father either. No one deserves that. So, I want to help. I care about her enough to not want my father to have his clutches in her. You don’t have to like me, but know that.”
Chase breathed heavily, and I heard the sincerity in his voice. I reached out, taking the items he offered. “Thank you, Chase.” Stepping forward, I kissed his cheek and then walked over to Maddox’s bike. He stood staring at Chase, probably debatingpunching him, but eventually turned and placed our stuff in his saddlebags. He straddled the bike, revving his engine, and turned, waiting for me.
I stepped forward, the thought of spreading my legs uncomfortable, but I knew I needed to do it to get out of there. Sucking in a breath, I straddled the bike, holding onto him tight, pressing my face into his back as I winced at the pain. Clinging to him, I cried into his back as we drove off, leaving the only home I’d ever known behind.
Diary #2
Dear Mom,
I can’t.
I drove into the night,speeding as much as tangible without killing us. The wind whipped against my face, doing nothing to cool the anger firing through my veins.
Everything I’d done today had been wrong.
Tank had been acting funny, but I let it go, not questioning him, trusting the man I respected above none other. That creep Chase had been sniffing around Darcie, but I let him go instead of punching him. I almost kissed the most perfect girl, but I stopped myself, duty and honor coursing through me, letting her go.
And look where honor had gotten me.
After a shot of tequila, I’d gone to fix the one thing I’d let go of, deciding it was time to kiss my princess and show her just how much she meant to me. I wasn’t going to let her go with Agonizer.
But I was too late, and that asshole had stolen something precious from her.
Rage had filled me when I heard her screams, and I thundered into her room, ready to kill anyone who dared touch her. Darcie was mine, even if she didn’t know it yet.
From the moment I kissed her under the willow tree when we were kids, she always had been. She probably didn’t even remember it, but that had been it for me. And every summer when we visited, I fell more and more in love with her until I finally was able to enter the program at eighteen, leaving my father behind.