Page 52 of Music City Diaries

“I’m more worried about you bleeding out, jackass.”

“Ah, so you do care about me?”

Rolling my eyes, I stood and cleaned up all the items and placed them in the trash. Washing my hands, I scrubbed them for a good minute.

“Sit tight. I’ll grab you something to wear.”

He snorted, and I knew he wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. Sighing, I changed my own clothes and found an oversized t-shirt I’d been given for a charity 5K I’d done last spring. Walking back into the kitchen, I helped him ease it over his head, trying not to smile at the sight of his handsome face in a pink tie-dyed shirt.

“Haha. I bet you’re enjoying this.”

“I am, a little. Though, I don’t enjoy seeing you hurt. Gonna tell me now what’s going on?”

“Nothing to tell. Quit your worrying, grandma.”

“Fine, keep your secrets. You hungry?” I asked, walking over to the fridge and pulling out a pizza.

“I could eat.”

Following the directions carefully, I preheated the oven and put the pizza on a pan, waiting for it to beep it was ready.

“Just add time,” Chase said, watching me.

“Nope. I respect the directions. Things don’t get burned if I follow them.”

The oven beeped, and I set it in delicately, closing it. I put on the oven timer and then turned, crossing my arms to give Chase my death stare, hoping it would make him crack.

“You know, you’re not really intimidating in a koala PJ-set, more cute than anything. It’s the socks that really do it for me, though.”

“Har dee har har. I’ll have you know, I can force it out of you. I have ways.”

“Oh, I’m sure you do,Rose.” He gave me a pointed look, and I stopped, frozen. Swallowing, I narrowed my eyes at him.

“How do you know that name?”

“Easy, I’m Dark Angel. I’m one of your biggest fans.” The name made my insides freeze. He was a client that I’d talked to a lot, but had started to distance myself from when he’d gotten pushy. Something always felt off about it, and I guess now I knew why making fear spike even more.

“I’m still bummed you hadn’t given me a private session, though. We could’ve finally had our moment.”

Ice ran through my veins, and I hardened myself as I watched something in him flip. This was the Chase who’d assaulted me by the pool, not the one who’d seen the evidence of his father’s rape running down my legs, giving me mercy. I had to tread carefully. This wasn’t the Chase I’d been corresponding with for years.

“What do you want?” I asked, cutting to the chase.

“Always the smart one.” He sat up, still clutching his side. “Your boy’s in jail and is poised to get a deal soon. I want you to tell him not to.”

“And why would I do that?” I asked, trying to hide the fact it was news to me that Maddox was in jail. It had been over a year since I’d seen or heard from him, so now I at least knew why.

“Because, if you don’t, then I’ll tell my father where you are.”

“After all this time, why now? I thought we were friends, or at least had a kinship.” Inside I was quivering, my whole body rattling with nerves. I didn’t want to be on the run from Agonizer. Not now. I was finally settled, free of my past. Iwouldn’t let him take my healing from me. I was tired of men deciding my future for me.

He scoffed, rolling his eyes. His pretty face made me want to punch it and ugly it up a little more. He’d lured me into a false sense of security with his handsomeness. All along, he’d been the vile one, slithering in the grass, waiting until the right time to strike. He was worse than his father. Chase made you believe he was on your side and then pulled the rug out from under you when you were least expecting it. If he wasn’t doing it to me, I’d be marveling at his genius.

“Because you’ve outgrown your purpose. I thought if I waited long enough, you’d come back to me. Even after tipping off that asshole back in Memphis that you were an easy lay, so you’d have to reach out to me, you didn’t. I’ve been waiting all these years. When you started prostituting yourself out to the entire world, it was the last straw. I tried to make a connection with you, but even online, you were a cold, withholding bitch. So, it’s time you were useful to me. I’ve outgrown this game, and I no longer want you since you’ve given yourself over to any man who pays you a compliment.”

The air felt thin, and I stumbled back, grasping hold of the counter. “Get out.”

“Oh, I’m staying, Princess. I came for a reason. Thanks for patching me up, by the way. That was really kind of you.”