Page 51 of Music City Diaries

I blinked, trying to process what he said, and I realized the feeling I’d registered earlier.

“I’m sorry, Damon, but I can’t promise you that. Why do I have to choose? My heart is capable of a lot of love.”

His face screwed up, and he withdrew. “Don’t tell me you want what your crazy little friend has? I saw her with those two guys on the dance floor.”

I turned, not caring I was naked, planting my hands on my hips. “She actually has three boyfriends, and yeah, if I had the chance, I’d take it. Love doesn’t have to be only one way. There are people in my life that have already claimed a piece of my heart. I might not ever see them again, but I can’t tell you that I wouldn’t want to be with them if they walked through that door right now, because I would.”

Damon stared at me for a long moment, pulling his pants up and putting his shirt back on. I gathered my clothes, too, not wanting to be naked now that it was apparent this was stopping.

“I thought the whole slut thing was a phase, but I guess I was wrong. Don’t worry about firing me. I quit.”

He opened the door, slamming it shut, and I stood there staring, wondering what the hell had just happened.


Dragging my feet, I tried to convince myself it was only a few more steps. The past few months had been miserable, and I didn’t know what I was even doing here anymore. My job was a job. My friends were gone. And I didn’t even want to hook up with anyone after the failed attempt with Damon. I needed a change. I just needed to figure out where. I’d even gone to the bank and cleaned out the safe deposit box in preparation. Something had kept holding me back from loading up my car and driving to wherever my car took me.

But I didn’t think I could wait on whatever it was any longer. I needed a change of scenery.

Opening my apartment, a voice called out to me when I turned on the lights.


I screamed, dropped my phone, and rushed to the man currently bleeding out in my kitchen. Seemed like change had just waltzed through my door.

Diary #14

Dear Mom,

I’m considering joining that convent. Or maybe I’ll just go on vacation. I hear that’s good for the soul. I’ve always wanted to travel more. Maybe I should. Nothing is holding me to Nashville. Not any more.





“Holy Shit, Chase! What happened?”I rushed forward, grabbing some paper towels to press to his side.

“I’m good, Darcie. It’s just a flesh wound. Bleeds more than it should.” He groaned when I pressed the towel to him, and I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, I’m not buying that. Start talking.”

“I got into a little fight. It’s no biggie.”

“Uh-huh. So, you just happened to be in Nashville, about twelve hours from where you live, and found your way into my apartment, that you’ve never been to before, after a fight. Did I leave anything out?”

“That about covers it.” He grinned, attempting to flirt even while injured.

Cursing under my breath, I placed his hand on the spot I’d been pressing and stood walking to the sink to grab some water and the first aid kit. I looked him over as I set the things on the table, noticing some bruising around his eye. Whoever he’d gotten into it with had given him a black eye, too.

Thankfully, part of my training for MCD was first aid, so the steps quickly fell into place as I cleaned and dressed thewound. He was right; it wasn’t deep, but I wasn’t sure if butterfly bandages would be enough.

“I think you might need stitches.”

“Nah, chicks dig scars.”