Page 32 of The Dragon Maiden

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said, staring her down. “I do my duties as a Dragon Maiden should.”

“Most Dragon Maidens don’t try to escape and live,” Vimery shot back.

“Valora, why did you try to escape?” Alonsa asked, holding a hand up to Vimery as a signal to be quiet.

I looked at my hands, gently touching my sleeves where my scars lay underneath. “I don’t want to talk about it,” I said quietly. “I’ve already addressed this topic with Lord Dracul.”

“Is it true you were sent to the Whispering Pool?” Bethany asked, her tone somewhat excited.

I nodded. “I was there for three days,” I said.

Gasps filled the room.

“Barely anyone who goes there comes back alive,” Hyacinth said. “The Lords must be furious.”

“Are you going to remain Lord Dracul’s Dragon Maiden?” Bethany asked, inching closer towards me.

“She broke one of the most sacred rules. Why wouldsheget to stay?” Vimery scoffed. “Especially as Dragon Maiden to the High Dragon Lord?”

“Well, the Whispering Pool decided not to punish her,” Bethany said. “Isn’t that enough proof for the Lords?”

“I will be remaining as Lord Dracul’s Dragon Maiden,” I confirmed, aiming my response at Bethany.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Alonsa and Vimery exchanging a look.

“Why?” Vimery spat out with such venom that I was taken aback. She stepped towards me, practically spitting in my face. “Why does he still wantyou?”

I stood and faced her, staring her down. “Your guess is as good as mine,” I said quietly. “But you’ve been nasty to me since the moment I got here without any reason for it.”

“You tried to escape,” she hissed. “Abandoned your post. You don’tdeserveto be his Dragon Maiden. I knew you weren’t going to work out.”

Her words stung. I felt them deep to my core, knowing that she was right. I did not deserve to be by Lord Dracul’s side, not when I had abandoned him. The thought prickled against my pride and I could barely hold back the words that spilled out of me.

“And you thinkyou’rebetter than me?” I asked.

She looked surprised that I finally fought back rather than letting her insults go.

“At least I still try to be better, try to do my best to serve him. You’re just hateful and rotten. If he had you serving him, he would be more disappointed in having you than me as his Maiden.”

To my surprise, Vimery’s eyes filled with tears and she turned, fleeing the cavern.

The rest of the Maidens stared at me in silence, shock on their faces. Alonsa gave me a withering look before moving to go after Vimery. The other three continued to stare at me until I felt like I needed to defend myself.

“She’s been antagonistic to me since day one,” I told them. “I know you’ve seen that much. Until now, I’ve kept my silence. I’ve kept the peace all while she’s insulted and tortured me.”

The three looked at each other, exchanging a look. I could tell there was more history there that I did not know about, but I did not want to wait around until one of them decided to deign me with an answer.

“I originally came here for breakfast, but I don’t think I’m hungry anymore.” Spinning on my heel, I left the cavern, leaving silence in my wake.

Just outside the cavern, I bumped into Lord Dracul. “My Lord,” I said, bowing. “I did not expect to see you here.”

“I heard everything you said,” he said, mirth gleaming in his eyes. “You certainly gave her a dressing down.”

“I’m sorry if you heard all that, but I was sick of how she treats me,” I explained.

“Oh, I certainly understand,” Lord Dracul said. “As I’ve said before, to disrespect you is to disrespect me. I’ve been waiting for you to finally stand up for yourself.”

“You’ve known what’s been going on this whole time?” I asked, flabbergasted that he would not step in.