He scowled. “You’re asking for it.”
I dug my teeth into my lip.
The woman ahead of us glanced over her shoulder, frowning at us.
“We roleplay,” Death explained smoothly. The woman turned back around. “Ugly, nosey-ass mortals.”
“Why is Devin launching your art program for underprivileged children at the D&S Halloween ball? What is this event, really? An actual monster bash? A front for a satanic sacrificial party?”
“All you have to know is Devin thrives on attention.” He leaned into me and kept his eyes on the entrance ahead. “I’d tell you more about what’s beyond those doors, but I’d have to sacrifice you.”
“This whole ‘don’t tell Faith anything’ habit of yours is absurd at this point. I get it, you’re a control freak who doesn’t want to give me answers. But right now, I’m scared shitless, and you’re the only person I can talk to. If you expect me to sit quietly on your lap the whole night, like an obedient little dog, you’ve got another thing coming.”
“That’s the second time we’ve discussed the idea of you sitting on my lap.”
I tried to play it off coolly, except that my face was suddenly hot from that obvious innuendo. “Did you just man-filter everything I said?”
“Yes. That would be question nine.”
The line moved forward as a pixelated screen at the building’s entrance exploded with a short video of Devin and David Star. They looked impeccably beautiful, back to back, their eyes piercing the camera with a sizzling intensity. I found it eerie and unsettling to know that these two men, these celebrities the entire world fawned over, were the Devil and Death in disguise. I wanted to ask Death more about their alliance, but I knew he’d find a way to dodge a major question like that right now. Besides, he was counting the questions I asked, and I didn’t want to waste my chances.
We reached the front of the line. Death produced a crumpled piece of paper from his suit jacket. Glancing at it, I saw messy cursive that saidmilk,eggs,bread, andground meat.
The ticket taker’s face spread into a big plastic grin. “Welcome to the D&S Tower Halloween ball!” He took out an ink pad and a stamp. “Would you like to make any additional donations—?”
“Stamp us,” Death demanded and held out a wrist. The chirpy man stamped him with the D&S Tower logo, and right before my eyes, it disintegrated into his skin. I was next. Sure enough, the stamp disappeared into my skin too.
Death had totally just snuck us into the event with Ace’s grocery list.
The tower lobby was a madhouse, like Grand Central Station during peak hours. A hive of activity and sound, bustling with guests—all of whom appeared to be human—conversing and making their way toward the back of the building.
“Now we wait and see if Ahrimad shows up,” Death said, guiding us through the crowd “My father can’t hold my scythe, so he won’t have it.”
“But Malphas held it in the corn maze.”
“He must have held it briefly, then. My scythe is a blade of death. Ahrimad is the only other creature capable of holding the weapon indefinitely without bursting into flames. He is the only other creature who can wield it, and the power of the blade will allow him to temporarily stay corporeal.”
“What do you think Ahrimad plans to do with your scythe? What kind of power does it have?”
“I’ve wielded it for over twenty centuries, and even I don’t know all its power. The possibilities are endless.”
Awesome. “Could he destroy the world tonight? World domination seems to be a hot trend among the evil type. I’d like to give my parents a quick call if our planet is going to self-destruct or something.”
“Highly unlikely. No villain can take over the entire human realm in a single evening. World domination is a marathon, not a sprint.”
In other words:Yes, he can destroy your world, but don’t worry, obliteration takes time. I would know!
“It’s not going to happen,” Death reiterated, although his rigid posture spoke volumes to the contrary. “Don’t worry your pretty little head.”
“What if he kills you in Ace’s body?”
“He won’t have the chance to.”
“So your soulcanbe destroyed.”
“Was that not just implied?”
I crossed my arms and turned my back on him. “Friendly reminder that I’m helping you tonight.”