She screws up her nose but doesn’t argue with me. “Read to me?”
I read to her until her eyes droop, and she falls asleep with her head against my heart. Her soft snores are likemusic to my ears. She’s so young and innocent, and I just wish she was born into a different family, into a different world. Her future isn’t pretty, but I’ll do everything in my power to change that. When I’m in charge, things will be different.
As quietly as I can, I sneak out of her room, shutting her door behind me and heading into mine. Darkness surrounds me, broken up by the faint light of the full moon coming through my window. I grab a towel from the bathroom cupboard, shuck off my clothes, and step into the shower. The hot water drowns the last of my lingering tension, and I’m finally surrounded by soothing white noise. All the questions I have about Freya and the things I want come flooding in.
The way her body looked in that Harley Quinn outfit, the way the fabric curved against her ass. Fuck. I grab my cock, stroking up and down. Closing my eyes, I fall back against the shower wall.
I can still taste her lips on mine and remember the way her tongue danced alongside mine. I yearn to wrap my fist around her long, dark hair, pulling it back until her scalp burns and her eyes stare into my soul. I want to watch her lips swallow my cock. My breathing gets heavier and heavier. Her teeth will scrape against my shaft just enough to feel the burn, then her tongue will lick me clean. Fuck. Shit. Damn! Cum shoots from my cock and lands on the shower door. Holy hell, I’ll never get over this girl.
I finish my shower in a daze, towel off, and drag my tired ass out of the bathroom, leaving the cum for the maids to clean up because I’m just that kind of guy.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Ispend every available moment outside of work over the next week searching for Alec and hoping to find any leads, but it seems nobody has any information. Well, that’s at least what I’m uncovering. There is information that someone is withholding, but no one is willing to share it. The longer it takes, the heavier the knot of worry becomes in the pit of my stomach. No matter how many leads I pursue, they always end up at dead ends.
I’ve never gone this long without seeing or speaking to my brother. It’s killing me, but I won’t give up. I can’t. I will find him—I have to.
I’ve been coming and going from Lucas’s and Gage’s places, and they have been helping me where they can. The more time I’m spending with them, the more I’m finding out about them and their roles within The Brotherhood. I’ve always known it’s run by the three founding families: the Hendrixes, Ledgers, and the Foxes.
The grail is getting passed down to them soon when Dominic finally retires. The rules are that everyone has to retire before handing it over. Lucas’s father, George, retiredyears ago; he’s got cancer and isn’t doing well. Lucas doesn’t talk about him much. Gage’s father, Julian, died years ago, and Amirah didn’t even shed a tear. She hated him and what he did to her and Gage. I met him once, and that was enough. The guy reeked of evil, and he never smiled or showed an ounce of emotion. The stories Amirah shared with me still haunt my dreams.
“You’ve been spending a lot of time over here lately, and with Gage,” Amirah says, dropping a set of blue jeans and a top onto her bed. I sit up, leaning back against her pillows, and cock my head to the side.
“Is this you asking if I’m fucking your brother again?”
“No. There is nothing going on between Gage and me. I still hate him, but they are all helping me find Alec. They may want him found for different reasons than me, but I’ll use all the help I can get,” I say, pinching the bridge of my nose as I try to fight off the headache pounding between my eyes. The lack of sleep is starting to take its toll on me. My thoughts are tangled and chaotic, making it impossible for me to focus.
“Okay. We will find him. Promise,” Amirah says, sitting down on the edge of the bed next to me.
“Don’t say that. No one can make that promise.” I sink into the soft pillow, gazing up at the pristine white ceiling above me.
“Have a little rest before Gage comes back.” Amirah throws a blanket over me, and my eyes become heavy.
I can’t afford to sleep—Alec is out there, and he needs me. I have to spend every minute looking for him. My thoughts eventually wander and become distant... then everything disappears.
My phone vibrates against my leg, and I jolt up, theroom coming back into view. Amirah is next to me on the bed, her Kindle in her hands.
“You still snore like a suffocating dog.” She laughs, and I roll my eyes.
Lifting my phone out, I glance down at a message on the screen from an unknown number. My heart beats faster and faster. Is it Alec?
Tick tock, tick tock. Better run quick, sighting at Magick.
I sit up straight, gripping my phone as I read the words over and over again. I still have no idea who is sending these messages. Lucas’s guy is having trouble tracking down the owner. Whoever it is, they are good at keeping their identity hidden. But it doesn’t matter because this is a lead at least, and I’ll take whatever I can get.
“Is Magick Club still open?” I ask Amirah, jumping off the bed, and she frowns.
“Yeah, why?”
“We’re going out tonight,” I say, shoving my phone in my back pocket and moving toward her closet.
Amirah comes up behind me as I hastily search through her clothes, finally finding a black denim skirt.
“Not that I’m complaining, but why are we suddenly going out?” Amirah moves in behind me and her eyes immediately lock onto the skirt. She heads to one of the drawers and retrieves a red lace bralette. She gives it to me, and I begin to pull my shorts down.