Page 156 of Drama Queen

Her boss sat there for a moment, before nodding, her jaw clenched tight in anger.

“I feel disrespected, constantly. Today was just another example. We spent hours putting together those statements, they were assertive, clear and concise. They were also fucking honest. We even used children, which is a soft spot for most humans, and we crafted that message well so it wasn’t blatant manipulation. You even said you were pleased with it, that it was better than anything you could have put together, and you were happy to use it.”

Charlotte paused, her throat getting tight. It was the most praise Grace had ever given her, and today she’d just thrown the whole thing out the window — stomping all over Charlotte’s pride in the process.

“Then you ignored it. Which means you were either blowing smoke up my arse — which I don’t appreciate — or you acted on a whim, destroying all our hard work. Which I also don’t appreciate. Either way, it negated all the work I put into this. I don’t need constant praise, I’m not some wilting wallflower who gets off on the opinions of others. However, you did praise me for that, and it was the first positive thing you’ve ever said about my work. I thought I was finally getting somewhere. Can you understand how disappointed I am? How hurt? I know you’re the boss and you get the final say, but if that’s how you’re going to treat my efforts, then why should I bother trying?”

The wolf shifter watched her for a moment, and Charlotte was filled with dread. This was it, the moment Grace sacked her, just like she had the fifteen other personal assistants before her. The fact Charlotte had lasted the longest of any of them was inconsequential. If she got sacked, she was still one of the failures.

“That’s it?” Grace asked her, finally.

“That’s it,” Charlotte replied, sighing. Mentally she was already putting together her resume and thinking of all the contacts she’d made in this job. Perhaps one of them could lead to something else for her.

“You’re not going to cry? Not going to quit? You just say you don’t feel loved enough, and then what? What the fuck am I supposed to say to that?”

Fuck, it really was like dealing with a child.

“Well,” Charlotte replied, getting annoyed. “Anyone with a lick of empathy would at least acknowledge you heard what I said. That you understand we have a difference of opinion, and then maybe ask what I’d like to do about it or something. I’m not asking for overweening love, just some common decency and respect, but you really don’t give a fuck, do you?”

“You’re my employee, Charlotte. It’s not my job to pander to your emotions,” Grace snapped.

Well, there went that option. There was no way they were going to work this out, not when Grace saw her as a minion.

“No,” Charlotte replied tiredly. “It’s your job to show respect to those you work with, even more so to those you represent. My concern is, you really don’t give a fuck about anyone but yourself, and what you feel like doing in the moment. It’s why you haven’t been able to keep an assistant for long. I’m the one who’s lasted the longest, did you know that? And it’s only because I thought I was helping. Really, I’m just wasting your time and my breath, and I really have better things to be doing in my life.”

“Like getting mated and having babies?” Grace sneered.

That pushed Charlotte’s last button.

“No, like doing my job and fucking making a difference somewhere. Like representing the people you were elected to protect, and building alliances and bridges between us and thehumans. Like actually caring about others and the impact I make.”

“So, you want my job?” Grace snarled.

“No!” Charlotte yelled. “I just want someone who’s competent. Something you clearly are not. Today was a huge opportunity for shifters, and you blew it to satisfy your own fucking ego. I can’t respect that Grace, I can’t respect you, and it is very clear you don’t respect me.”

“Then youarequitting,” Grace said smugly, leaning back in her seat. “What are you going to do next? Run for office?”

“No, Grace,” Charlotte replied with a calm she didn’t feel inside. “I’m going to go and find your replacement.”

The wolf shifter frowned. “Don’t you mean your replacement?”

Charlotte smiled, it was dark and menacing and she knew it didn’t reach her eyes. “No, I meanyourreplacement, Grace. I’m going to find the best person to represent us, and then I’m going to get them elected, and we’ll show everyone just what a fucking joke you are.”

Reaching over, Charlotte flicked the button to open the intercom to the driver. “Pull over as soon as you can, Sean, I need to get out.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Grace watched her, her eyes glittering gold, showing how close her wolf was to the surface.

Frankly, Charlotte didn’t care. It was just another sign the woman was out of control.

“You’ll have my letter of resignation within the hour,” Charlotte said as the car began to slow.

“And if I don’t accept it?” Grace asked, a predatory smile on her lips.

“It makes no difference, I made sure of that before I signed the contract. You have a reputation, so I wanted to ensure I understood the termination policies before I committed.”

“I’ll give you until tomorrow morning to change your mind,” Grace replied smugly. “At which time I will expect a list of potential candidates or all the preparations made to advertise the position and the names of a suitable interview panel.”