I don’t meet his crinkled green eyes; I know what it means to be being sent to a home with kids my own age. It’s only the millionth time I’ve been relocated since being dragged off the streets at the young age of ten. I’m sure I’ll be the new punching bag or the maid or some other demeaning position that will slowly eat at my soul until I’m running for the hills again.
The courthouse chambers the judge leads me to are the same ones as last time, the green leather chairs surrounding the elevated platform with his desk and gavel are just as intimidating as they were the first time I saw them. Only this time the very air feels heavy with something akin to power. As though the three people dressed like they’re going to a ball are important somehow. The woman wearing the off-white knee length gown turns to us first, her lips curling up into a smile that makes my spine shiver with fear but as the elder man turns my breath catches in my throat. He looks like an elder version of Parker Walker. Even his eyes hold that same determined blue that took my breath away the first time I saw him up close.
My eyes flit to the last man standing slightly behind them and my knees threaten to give out as he turns to face me.
Her posture deflatesand for the first time in two days, I question whether this was a good idea. I convinced my parents to adopt her. To take her into their home the moment I learned she’d just lost the only family she had. It came as quite a shock to learn that she wasn’t blood related but adopted by the school nurse only three months ago. The way they were bantering with each other I was sure they were actually related and had known each other for years.
I put my plan into motion without even considering telling the twins. It’s not in my nature to back down from a challenge and this girl… She’s the first real challenge I’ve had in years. I will make her mine. Even if I have to play dirty to do it. She’ll be cared for, have everything she could possibly want or need and when she least expects it, I’ll sweep her off her feet and make her mine.
The twins will find something new to fight over in no time.
Gabriella Pierson ismine!
As my parents sit down to fill out the paperwork, I inch closer to Gabriella. She watches me warily but doesn’t move. I’m not sure what to say to her; ‘sorry for your loss’ sounds too simple. Apologizing for something that wasn’t my fault is not in my nature anyway. I open and close my mouth a few times, but each thought flittering through my head would only make me sound like more of an ass. Sighing, I step closer and simply rest my hand on her shoulder. Hoping that simple gesture will say everything I’m thinking.
She shrugs me off and goes back to watching my parents and the judge without a word. Defeated, I go back to my spot beside my parents and listen to their conditions on taking Gabriella in.
Push and Pull
My entire worldhas been turned upside down. Not only did the judge agree to the terms the Walker’s laid out, but they demanded that I stay close to Parker’s side, even while at school. They used April’s murder as the reason but I have the feeling it’s got more to do with what Parker wants than any real fear over my safety.
Parker himself drove me from the courthouse to their home. He commanded the staff to collect my belongings from the trunk of his car and place them in the room right next to his. The very room that joins to his via a shared bathroom. The moment my things were dropped inside the room, he grabbed my hand and dragged me back to the car.
Not a single word spoken until we were within sight of the school. “You’re in all my classes, so you’ll stay right beside me the whole day. I’ve already had your things moved from your dorm to mine. I have a private one I share with the twins at the end of the hall. They’ll be shocked but they’ll get over it the moment they know what’s going on.” He hops out of the carbefore I can respond and then pulls this weird sliding move over the bonnet, landing beside my door. I’m so shocked it takes me a few seconds to speak.
“I don’t even know what’s going on.” I grouse as he practically drags me away from the car and through the school grounds. He’s still holding my hand as we rush down the hallway to Brightwood’s class. He pokes his head in the door, changes his grip on my hand so our fingers are linked before tugging me along behind him. He takes over the back two seats and pushes me into the furthest one from any other students.
“You can’t keep dragging me around. I’m not some lost puppy you have to command.” I hiss getting right into his face. Parker’s eyes go wide, focusing on something behind me near the door of the classroom. I start to turn but he grabs my face, keeping me facing him, so close it’d only take a single inch to reach those tantalising lips of his.
It takes longer than I’d like to admit to pull my thoughts away from daydreaming about kissing the asshole in front of me. The second his lips pull up into a smirk, I draw my hand back and clip him up the side of his head as hard as I can. “I’m not your toy. I’m not yours. I’m leaving.”
I don’t even get the chance to get to my feet. Something invisible wraps around my entire body, holding me frozen to the seat.
“You’re not going anywhere without me until we figure out who killed your Aunt and whether or not she was the only target.” He sighs, reaching for my trapped hand. “I don’t care if you hate me for this, so long as you’re safe. I’ll do anything to keep you safe.”
Is he fucking kidding me right now? Keeping me a prisoner for my own good… Talk about overbearing asshole with a thirst for power. No way am I letting him get away with this. I’m not his to toy with.
Splitting the team
Parker disappearedthe same day Gabriella did. Neither Jamie nor I have heard from him in two whole days. We’ve never gone that long without a word from him and I’m starting to worry that Melody might have gotten her claws into him for good this time.
The three of us, Jamie, Parker and I, have been friends for our entire lives, born within days of each other, and growing up literally next door to each other. We developed our powers at the same time, we had our first crushes within days of each other. Everything major in our lives happened as a team. We’d do anything for each other but now, with Parker missing, the new girl Gabriella missing, Melody vanishing and the rumour of a murder on academy grounds, I’m starting to freak out.
I’ve been stumbling through my classes, my mind a complete wreck with worry. My second class of the day is Elemental history and as I’m walking through the door of the classroom, my heart stops. Gabriella and Parker are sitting in the back row, their heads together whispering to each other.
Jealousy like I’ve never felt before stabs through me.
That asshole! He must have kidnapped her for a few days.
I almost wish I’d thought of that. Maybe she’d be looking at me as though the world answered to me if I had. Right now, she’s leaning in so close to Parker, if I couldn’t see his smirking lips, it’d look like they were kissing. My vision narrows down to a single point: his smug face. All I want to do is punch that look right off him. I can’t though. We made a pact, no matter how we feel, that pact will never be broken.