Taking a seat next to me, she pats my hand.
“Well, baby girl, it seems your mind’s already made up… Now it's time to convince your father.”
Dropping my head to the table, I groan. My dad was so excited about me getting a full scholarship to Alabama State. This is going to break his heart.
But… Sometimes Hollywood comes calling and you have to answer.
“Harmony, we need you on set,” Karl shouts from somewhere nearby. I ignore him and stay crouched between a trailer and snack cart.
I can’t have anyone see me like this and going to the set is the last thing on my mind right now.
I can’t believe he did this to me. Yeah, I knew dating a famous actor ten years older than me was always meant to end in heartbreak, but he was so convincing.
God, I’m an idiot. He played me. He made me fall for him, then fucked my cousin. My eyes still burn from the images of Niko and Case messing around in my trailer. Like why couldn’t they have gone to Niko’s.
It’s three time the size of mine and there’s more room to fuck, rather than being bent over my damn makeup vanity.
Shuddering at the memory, I slide down on my ass until I can use my knees to hide my face.
“Harmony!” Janet my PA screams, and I can tell by the tone she's starting to panic. I wonder if she just walked into my trailer.
I need to get out of here. Just a day off to refresh, then I will push those pesky emotions back into a box and lock it tight.
I worked hard to land this role, and I will not be sabotaged by two assholes. Case is dead to me. He can find a new place to stay here in LA, or go back to Kansas with his tail between his legs.
After all I've done for him… to repay me in this way.
I feel sick, betrayed and just fucking done.
Climbing to my feet, I check my makeup using my phone camera then send off a mass text about some bullshit bad sushi at lunch, then begin the walk to my car.
I guess I could have messaged Ethan for a ride in the golf cart, but I enjoy walking between all the buildings that have incredible sets and sometimes running into some actors I've crushed on for years.
Being an actress was never my goal in life. I had a 4.0 GPA, I was going to be a vet, I wanted to help animals, but one performance during my senior year play, which I was the understudy for by the way, changed my life forever.
My phone buzzes a few times but I don't bother checking. I have never skipped out early before, and I am always here to do my job, so they shouldn't have any issues with me leaving.
Especially since they think I'm sick. Reaching my car, I unlock the doors with my keyfob, then climb in.
Starting the engine, I listen to the purr and sigh. I have always been into cars, especially fast ones.
My father always joked that I was his Tomboy, but it's true. Sports, cars, helping around on the ranch, I loved doing it all.
Pulling out of my parking space I almost back into Janet.
Damn, where did she come from? Waving her arms I stop and wait for her to reach my driver's side window.
“Harmony, I'm so glad I caught you. Oh wow you do look flushed. I won't keep you long. I just wanted to tell you that I received a call today asking if you would be interested in this new reality show? I'll get the details and email them to you, but it sounds like a lot of fun.”
She gives me a huge smile, and she's practically jumping where she stands in excitement.
“Umm. I don't know. Don't take this the wrong way, but don't celebs do reality after their careers are either over or in the toilet?”
Reaching for my sunglasses, I slip them on and wait for her response.
She gapes for a minute, then sighs. “You're totally right. I was just so excited when they said your costar would be Maddox Daniels.”