Page 48 of Drama Queen

Ivy has three mates, and while I don’t want more, one is not enough to help me stand against her.

Ineedthem. Hopefully, the boost from having them will be enough to keep us alive, maybe.

With every passing day, I can feel the connection. I have at least one more, possibly two, but the pull is weak. The only thing that makes sense is that they are beyond the veil, in the mortal realm, which is why I have to go.

“I hate this, just so you know,” he says, finally breaking the silence that engulfed us.

“I’m not a huge fan either,” I chuckle, dropping my head to his chest. It’s not funny, not really, but if I don’t laugh, I might cry, and fuck that.

“Whether or not I hate it is beside the point. If this is what you think we need, then you know I’m here for you.” His lips press to the top of my head, and I breathe in this moment of peace. It might be the last one we have for a while, and as much as he drives me crazy most days, he’s my best friend.

“I’m not sure how many times I have to tell you before you get it.Youare my queen. Fuck the courts and fuck the realm. As long as I have you, that’s all I need.”

“Shhh!” I hiss, smacking his chest and glancing around.

We’re alone in my room in the early hours of the day. The majority of the kingdom has turned in, but there are almost always ears everywhere. Saying something like that is a great way to find yourself on the wrong side of the queen.

Nobody wants that, believe me, I know.

“Shut me up then, Em. Come sit on my face, and then you won’t have to worry about it,” he says, lying back and pulling me down with him.

The urge to argue and tell him I need some sleep is on the tip of my tongue, but I can’t force the words out as I look down at the stupid smirk on his stupidly handsome face. Who am I to deny him?

By my standards, Zephyr is the hottest member of the guard, if not the whole Unseelie court, and I’m not the only one who thinks so. Even the queen, which is disgusting, if you ask me, but only further proves my point. Not just anyone can catch the attention of her majesty the bitch.

Pushing up, I let my legs drop to either side of him, straddling his waist. Seeing as I only had enough time to grab his shirt, there’s no hiding how fucking wet I am as my bare pussy presses to his pelvis. His cock nudges my ass as it throbs with need, and I watch as his pupils blow wide, almost devouring the red entirely. His chest rumbles in a low growl that has me clenching around nothing as I further make a mess of him.

“Emory,” Zephyr groans, tugging my hips, trying to get me where he wants me, where I want to be. I keep my ass firmly planted, though, enjoying having him at my mercy as I burn this image of him into my mind for later.

His large body makes my bed look small, and I guess to him, it is. Zephyr stands at an impressive six foot ten, which is tall even by elvish standards, and leaves him towering over my five foot nine ass.

By design, we’re typically tall and thin, whether of Seelie or Unseelie, but that’s where our similarities end. The Seelie tend to be dainty, with the exception of the guards and a select few others. Their hair is fair, eyes bright, with skin kissed by the sun, where they spend all of their time.

The Unseelie features are dark, almost as if a reflection of our court. Our hair and eyes usually lack lighter colors, mostly consisting of reds, grays, dark browns, or even black. We also spend most of our time out at night, below the surface, or in the courts of winter, leaving us with naturally paler skin.

Zephyr’s hair is long, pulled back into a ponytail, with the underside shaved short. It’s as dark as the night, except for the bright pink tips that match my hair. He’s tall and lean, but thatdoesn’t mean he isn’t built. No, if anything, he looks as if he was sculpted from marble. Every inch of him is hard muscle that he earned through years of training. His pale skin looks even paler with the dark swirls of ink that cover his arms, chest, and back, stretching up the back of his neck and into his shorter strands.

Reaching up, I pull his hair free, playing with a few strands as they fall to the bed around his head. He leans into my touch, nuzzling against my hand as his eyes fall closed. Pressing forward, I take advantage of his lack of sight to get close until we're only a breath apart. I let his hair fall through my fingers before gently trailing one down his ear over the many piercings that trail up to the pointed tip of them. I know how sensitive they are, and a smile curves across my lips as his hips buck again.

I press my ass back into his cock, feeling the cool steel in the tip. I swear I could almost come simply from thinking about it, knowing how it feels to have the hard steel buried so deep inside of me.

“Beg me,” I hiss, my voice low and demanding, full of raw lust and need that I don’t even try to mask.

His eyes snap open, and the same heat burns there that burns in my stomach, telling me how much he craves me. He could easily overpower me; it wouldn’t even be a struggle, but I know he doesn’t want to.

“Let me worship you, my queen. If you're going to leave me here alone while you go to find your other mates, at least leave me with the taste of you. I need to make sure you don’t forget me while you’re gone. So come plant that pretty pussy on my face and let me devour you while you fall apart for me. Give me something to think about while I’m missing you.”

Fuck. Being material in someone's spank bank shouldn’t sound so appealing. Yet the idea of him working his cock to the memory of eating me out pulls a whimper from my lips as I crawl up his chest, unable to deny him.

Leaning forward, I brace my hands against the cold stone of my bedroom wall as I bring one knee and the other up to rest beside his head. Before my legs fully settle on the bed, he reaches out, wrapping his large hands around my thighs and yanking me down. His nose bumps my clit, and my hips rock of their own accord, craving the release I know he will give me with his talented mouth.

Zephyr and I have been messing around for years now, long before we were mated. I’d tried to resist once we found out. I was upset and confused, and sometimes I still am. Having him as a mate somehow made what we had before feel forced, as if it wasn’t something we built but something the universe decided. I know it’s silly. Zephyr, being my mate, was the best choice given our history. It took me a while to realize it, and sometimes, it’s still hard to see, but with everything we will be facing in the next few weeks, I can’t help but be grateful for him.

He breathes me in, holding me close, his fingers wrapped so tight that I can’t possibly move.

“Fuck, Em, just the smell of you has me ready to bust,” he mumbles, his words hardly audible with his mouth pressed against my skin.

I open my mouth to tell him to shut up and get on with it, but before I can utter a word, his tongue darts out, licking up to my clit. Just like that, all thought is gone, replaced with a wave of pleasure that has my toes curling as I fight between the urge to grind into him or pull back from the intensity. Not that it matters; I can’t go anywhere, and as his tongue sinks deep inside of me, I don’t want to.