Page 38 of Drama Queen

Male, definitely. I don’t fight him, but do slowly turn my face in his direction.

“You must have made a mistake; I am no Highness. I’m no-one. But if you let me and my friend go, we won’t say anything. We can just pretend this never happened and you can find the person you are really after.”

My captor just huffs a laugh and moves around me, heading towards the sound of the rattling metal coming from my left that kicked up a notch when I started to speak. Maybe itisAnders, and he’s reacting to my voice? I don’t dare say his name, though, just in case.

More movement sounds, almost like a scuffle. Deep grunts before a loud thump, and a muffled moan. I start pulling against my arm restraints to get my captor’s attention, worried he’s attacking Anders.

“Hey, back over here, big guy. I don’t like being left out,” I say, completely faking any kind of bravery.

Silence. Maybe I stunned him? At least his attack has ceased.

I feel it before I hear anything. A presence, standing where the door is. Whoever it is absolutely radiates menacing power. I mean, I’ve read that description in books, but I never really understood its meaning until now.

“So, this is her, then. The prodigal daughter returned.” His voice is smooth, tone cultured, but the inflection is dead. No emotion at all. “Show her to me.”

My captor shuffles over, and I hear more metal sounds. Cranking? My body start to rise. No, not my body, the surface I’m clearly chained to. I’m still disoriented with the blindfold on, and no light seeping through, but my body is tilting like I am being made to stand up.

Once upright, a thud sounds and the surface with my body attached shudders to a halt before I can feel myself being rotated to face the doorway. Rough hands pull the blindfold from my face and my vision is assaulted by bright lights, like walking out into the middle of the day after being in the cinema. I squint and try to limit the light filtering through, willing my eyes to adjust quickly.

I turn my head and take in my surroundings. Concrete walls, concrete floor, concrete ceiling. I try to turn in the direction of the other captive, to see if it is indeed Anders, but with the rotation, they are behind me now.

I am bound at the wrists and ankles, spread eagle by what looks like leather cuffs with small padlocks attached to them. Chains from the cuffs extend outwards to the corners of a metal frame with what appears to be a thin layer of concrete inlaid.

I look down at my body, noticing for the first time that I’m clothed in black leggings and a black tank. I squirm a little and can feel that I have underwear and a bra on. Someone has clearly clothed me because the last thing I remember is being naked in Anders’s bed with him wrapped around me.

I lift my head to face the man in the doorway. He is impeccably dressed. Black dress shoes peek out from beneath a perfectly tailored black pin-stripe suit. Black button-down shirt, black vest, black tie. There is even a black jewel glinting from his tie pin. I’m about to make a snide remark about being on the way to a funeral with the black-on-black get-up, but my heart stutters to a complete stop when I see his face.

He is striking. Black hair immaculately tamed, but with a slight curl. High cheekbones and slashing black brows. Full lips that are flat. But that is not what has caught my attention. It’s his startling green eyes. My green eyes. The ones my mum said were just like his.

“Hello, daughter.”


Although I knewit before he said the words, I’m numb with shock. I have dreamed and fantasised about this moment for most of my life. Our meeting. But even my very overactive imagination didn’t conjure this variation, and being kidnapped and held against my will in a fucking dungeon was definitely not on my bingo card for the year.

“Aria, right?” he drawls, stepping closer. His eyes rake over me, taking in every detail, and I am pretty sure I am not meeting his expectations. I’m sickened by his attention and try to flinch back from his presence.

“I know you can speak, child,” he admonishes, disappearing from view as he walks behind me. “I heard you do so before.”

“What do you want from me?” I say, amazed at how calm I sound.

“I wanted to meet my progeny,” he states blandly, walking back around the other side of me again and stopping in front to face me. “Have you not been curious about me all these years? You are... what? seventeen now?”

“Eighteen,” I correct with a little bite to my tone. Fucker doesn’t even know my age.

“Eighteen, apologies. You see, I tried desperately to find you when you were born, Aria, but your mother hid you both so well, and despite my rather extensive resources, she frustratingly succeeded, until this year. Until she brought you home to me. Imagine my surprise when I heard a rumour of my daughter appearing in Adelaide. Inmycity. Less than half an hour from my home, in fact. Well, you can only imagine how excited I was to finally meet you,” he says, his flat, cold tone unchanging despite his words.

He steps closer to me, eyes scrutinising my face.

“You look so much like her, you know? Just as beautiful, in that wholesome way that she did at your age. You’ve got my eyes, though. There is no hiding those.”

I am so mad I swear I could spit actual fire in his face. But I keep my mouth clamped shut. Taunting this man will not get Anders and me out of here.

“Nothing? You have absolutely nothing to say to your long-lost father, Aria?”

This time I snort. I can’t help myself. Anger flares in his green eyes, making them seem to glow, and before I blink, he strikes me across the face. My jaw screams in protest at the assault, but I don’t make a sound. Then I slowly turn my head back towards him, the metallic taste of blood filling my mouth. He closes in, his face inches from mine. All semblance of calm is gone now as he screams in my face, “Show some fucking respect to your king!”

My what? King? Laughter bubbles up my throat and escapes before I can stop it. I laugh so hard, so loud, I can feel tears leaking down my face.