Page 33 of Drama Queen

“That sounds like the perfect end to the perfect day, Mum. I’m so happy you’ve enjoyed yourself,” I say, taking a decent gulp of my Coke, having long stopped drinking anything alcoholic. “But I do have something I want to talk to you about.”

Her eyes narrow suspiciously at my words. “Was this all just an elaborate plan to get me drunk so you could soften me up? It’s not about a boy, is it? I am not having this conversation now if it is about a boy, Aria. You need to be focusing on your studies right now?—”

“Mum, stop!” I cut in, before her raised voice can attract any more attention. “This isn’t about a boy. Actually, it’s about my studies. You know how much I have been struggling with some of my units this semester, especially criminal law.” She nods her head sympathetically, giving me the encouragement I need to just go for it. “Well, I was offered a place in an exclusive invite-only study group run by the teacher’s aide in my criminal law class. There are only six spots total, and it is for those students who are identified as doing well enough, but could do great with a little extra help. The only thing is that the sessions are held at his house in the evenings for a few hours, a couple of times a week.” At her answering frown, I plough ahead, not giving her a chance to voice her concerns first. “Now, I know what you are going to say, but I have done my research. I checked with a couple of the second-year students and the study group is legit. There is also a mix of male and female students. I even made enquiries with the campus office, and they confirmed that the TA offers the group every year in his own time, and the lady I spoke to assured me that he has never had a formal complaint made against him for inappropriate behaviour, or anything like that. So, I really want to do it, Mum. I think it would be such a great opportunity to learn from someone who is actually in law practice.” I’m practically out of breath by the time I finish my pitch, not wanting to take a breath and give Mum an in before I get it all out in the open. Her eyes roam over my face, so I try to convey my sincerity and desperation to be a part of the study group.

“I don’t know, Aria. I am not sure how comfortable I am with you spending time at an older man’s house.”

I haven’t considered she might assume Anders is “old,” and it might trigger her concern. She still had a lot of hangups about older men taking advantage after her experience with my father.

“I get it, Mum. But Mr Cleave isn’t my father, and he is not taking advantage of me. If anything, I am taking advantage of his knowledge and experience to become a better student. We don’t know any lawyers, so I have never really had anyone I could ask the million questions I have about practice. This could be really good for me academically, and also for my future.” I’m laying it on thick, but none of it is a lie. Anders has already been such agreat help with my studies, and I have learned a lot about the reality of practice in just our short meetings.

“Let me think about it, okay?”

“Of course, Mumma,” I say. I shouldn’t have hoped she would be so quick to jump on board, but it isn’t a no, and I can work with that. “Now, how about we order two servings of churros with Nutella sauce, and we get you that hot chocolate cocktail you were eyeing off before we head back home so you can get ready for your night out?”

Her nod and smile leaves me optimistic I can convince her. I just hope it doesn’t take too long.


It feelslike the next couple of months pass in a blur. Mum and I have established our routine: morning walk to the train, coffee in Rundle Mall, then go our separate ways to work and uni. We have occasional lunch dates, though not as often as we’d like. After uni, I head back to Mum’s office and study for an hour or so until she’s done, and we train home again. After dinner, Mum goes into her home office to work more. That is, if Robert doesn’t stop by with “important work documents.”

Honestly, neither of them is subtle about their excuses to spend time together, but I let them take it at their own pace. Besides, he’s keeping her so occupied that she hasn’t asked too many questions about the study group sessions I’ve been attending a few times a week, once she finally agreed.

I made sure the group has both males and females. They all seem nice and genuinely need a little help. It’s the perfect excuse and has the added bonus of actually helping me get a good grip on criminal law, not that I really need the assistance.

My favourite perk, however, is circling back after everyone else leaves, and getting some alone time with Anders. He has been the perfect gentleman over the last few weeks. We haveprogressed from chaste kisses to some hot and heavy petting. I’m hoping my rather obvious hints at wanting to move to the next stage in our relationship will be answered sooner rather than later. Tonight, in fact, if I have anything to do with it.

So, whilst I make sure to not appear any different on the outside, I take extra care getting ready. I shave, pluck, scrub, lotion, and potion. My hair is in my usual ponytail, but I’ve oiled the ends and straightened it, so it’s soft like silk. I have on my best black lace underwear, baggy jeans that are half a size too big to be called fashionable, and my T-shirt is loose enough to not give away the major boost my balcony bra is giving me under my tight tank top.

I will have to do without any makeup except a quick swipe of mascara, otherwise Mum will notice. As I bound down the stairs with my satchel of books, I hear Mum back towards the kitchen, laughing. Muffled voices follow and I know Robert is here. Perfect distraction.

I stick my head through the door and see them standing side by side over near the stove top. Mum is barefoot with a glass of Shiraz in her hand—it’s become a favourite since our trip up to the beautiful Barossa Valley—beaming up at Robert while he stirs something in a pot, a tea towel over his shoulder, looking right at home in our kitchen.

He takes a swig of his beer and seems to notice her gaze, blushing. They both look away with smiles. It is actually adorable. I am tempted to stay and just watch them for a moment, but then remember what awaits me.

“I’m heading out for study group,” I call from the doorway, watching them both take a small step away from each other as they turn to face me. I grab the car keys from the hook behind the pantry door and walk over, kissing Mum on the cheek. “It might be a late one, with assessments due next week and exams looming.”

Mum frowns. I hate to be the cause of her shift in mood, but thankfully Robert comes to my rescue. “I don’t envy you, Aria. Criminal Law in your first semester, being so outside your field of interest. It’s a good thing you were able to get into a study group with the teacher’s aide.”

“Iampretty lucky, considering most groups were full before the semester even started.”

I reach up to kiss his cheek also, showing my appreciation for his support. Mum’s eyebrows are practically in her hairline when I look over and make eye contact with her.

“Keep our girl company while I am gone, hey?” I smirk at Robert.

“You got it,” he replies, looking longingly at Mum. Her eyes lift to his again, and I know my cue when I see it, rushing from the room with a half wave. I practically run out the front door and jump into the car in the driveway.

Ten minutes later, I stop out the front of Anders’s place, checking myself in the rear-view mirror before getting out of the car. I am the first one here, judging by the lack of cars on the street.


I raise my hand to knock on the front door, but it opens before I get the chance. Anders is standing on the other side, and he checks the street before grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. His mouth is on mine the moment I stumble over the threshold, and he uses his body to push mine back into the door, closing it behind us. I drop my bag and he reaches for my hair tie, pulling out my ponytail. Taking my hair in his hands, he leans his body into mine fully, and I swear I can’t tell where he finishes and I begin. His hips press forward, and a moan escapes me before he pulls back.

“I couldn’t help myself,” he says, his eyes raking over my face.

“I get the feeling,” I whisper, my voice husky from the instant arousal.

He leans in and steals some quick kisses before stepping back.