Page 1 of Drama Queen

Run, Little Rabbit – Bailey Grayson

Code System

Code 1 – Enemies everywhere. Kill first ask questions later

Code 2 – Extraction required.

Code 3 – Potential trap. Be on guard.

Code 4 – Niki has gone rogue, bring a saw and bin bags.



“Who the fuckdo you think you are?” I ask as the guy stares down at me, a snarl twisting his pretty mouth. He looks pissed.Beyondpissed.

He growls – legitgrowls –at me. “Move.”

I scoff. Can you believe the fucking audacity of this asshole? I cross my arms and cock a hip. “I don’t think so.”

His dark eyes narrow and he sweeps them down my form, assessing me like an insect under a microscope. I’m not much to look at, but what I lack in height, I certainly make up for in sass and snark. I also know how to throw a punch, which this guy is gonna motherfuckin’ feel if he doesn’t apologise for pushing me out of his way. There I was, making my way back to the bar from the ladies’ room, and he walks into me with his firm pecs and custom tight-fitting suit.

“What you going to do?” I goad. “Make me?”

He groans and pinches the bridge of his nose. “I don’t have time to deal with this.”

“Well, tough shit.” I take a step forward, crowding his personal space. “Didn’t anybody teach you that it’s rude to barge into someone and not apologise.”

“You barged into me. I—” He cuts himself off with another growl. Clearly not into playing schoolyard games. Shame. He might be an arrogant asshole, but he sure is sexy as fuck. I wouldn’t mind playing a game or two with him. Whoever he is. I don’t know and I don’t care. I just want my apology and then I can go back to drinking and dancing with my friends. Especially since I snuck out. My dad is way too protective and sometimes a girl just wants to have fun.

“Just apologise, and I’ll go on my merry way.” I knew I was antagonising the guy, but I’d had a few cocktails, and my filter was definitely in the off position.

“Not happening, princess,” he says with a low chuckle that I feel all the way to my core.

I sneer at him. “Nobody but my dad calls me that.”

He leans in and I get hit with the smell of him. Fuck me, he smells delicious. Why is such beauty wasted on this dickweed? He smells like fire and smoke, spice and something dark. Like he came from the depths of Hell itself.

“No wonder you’re a spoiled little brat, then.”

A satisfying crunching sound fills the air followed by a sharp pain in my knuckles. I haven’t even registered what I’ve done until I see the murderous glare in his eyes.

And the blood.

So much blood.

Oh, fuck.

She broke my nose.

The little pint-sized hellcat broke my fucking nose! As if today couldn’t get any worse. After having my accountant excommunicated for cooking my books and skimming off theexcess, I walk into this little hellion in the corridor, and she punches me. I’d be impressed if I wasn’t already nursing a wrath the devil would be loath to own.

“Fuck!” I yell, as I whip a handkerchief out of my pocket to soak up the blood streaming down my face. I hadn’t even seen the hit coming. I’d been too wrapped up in the betrayal of my accountant and the anger this feisty redhead inspired to even think about my own safety.

I shouldn’t have engaged with her, should have just moved on, but hell, maybe I was looking for a fight. Or an argument at least. Something to take my anger out on.

Well, that fucking backfired, didn’t it? I’m such a fucking moron.