“That should be fine,” Ares said, carefully avoiding looking at Sofia. They’d always known they’d have a week. So, what if she left a day ahead of what he’d expected? Maybe it was a good thing that this band-aid be ripped off sooner rather than later?
“Because if you need more information, or want us to review any additional data, I’m sure we can look at our schedules…”
But even if Sofia could stay longer, so what? Ares could keep her in his bed for another week? Two weeks? A month? When would he be ready to walk away from this, if she didn’t leave the country? And what future was there for them? She’d made it clear that she wasn’t interested in any of the things he needed, and marriage and babies were not optional for Ares.
“No, tomorrow will be fine. Anything pertinent I can send on over email. Besides, at this point, I just need time to consider both excellent proposals in full.”
“Great,” Salvatore smiled, unconscious of the internal war that was being waged inside of Ares. One more night. Not two. Just one. Tonight. And then…he didn’t want to think about it.
He didn’t want to think about not seeing Sofia again.
He didn’t want to think about not being able to be with her.
He didn’t want to think about losing someone else he’d come to…care for?
He didn’t care for her, though. He just liked spending time with her. He wasn’t ready to care for anyone, after Louisa. It was too soon.
“So let me know if you can grab a beer tonight, or something,” Salvatore said, as he moved towards the door.
Guilt at the betrayal to one of his dearest friends briefly made him question his plans for that night. After all, shouldn’t he be prioritizing Salvatore over Sofia? And yet, he didn’t really contemplate it. Not for a second.
“I’ve got a dinner, unfortunately,” he lied. “But we really are overdue for a catch-up. You must come back soon.”
“He’ll have to, once we start construction,” Sofia pointed out with a wink, earning a soft laugh from both Ares and Salvatore.
He watched as she walked towards the door, his gaze incapable of leaving her body, so when she turned and looked over her shoulder, then blew him a kiss, he saw it, and his whole body ignited with a torrent of white-hot, terrifying need…and want. But what exactly did he want? Because what had started as a simple rebound fling now seemed a lot more complicated, and he had no idea what to do about that.
“You pushed him hard in there,”Salvatore said.
“Too hard? You don’t approve?”
“No, I loved it. I thought you were genius. He did too, I could tell.”
Her heart lifted and even when she knew she shouldn’t, because it risked being too revealing, she said, “Oh? In what way?”
“He’s hard to impress, but he clearly likes you.”
“He doesn’tlikeme,” she said, breathily.
“I don’t mean romantically,” Salvatore laughed. “Calm down. Obviously, I don’t mean that. But as a professional, he respects you. That’s a good sign.”
Her heart thumped into her ribs. “We don’t know anything about the Valentino proposal,” she said slowly.
“Yeah, that’s true. If only there was some way we could get that information. I’d love to see what they’ve put forward.”
Maybe there was a way? Could she ask the King? Would he be honest with her? Probably. But wasn’t that likely to put him in a position he wasn’t comfortable with? And was she really comfortable with exploiting their relationship?
She thought of the determination she’d arrived in Moricosia with. She thought about what she owed the Santoros, and how badly she wanted to be able to hand them this deal before she broke the news to them that she was leaving the company. Despite their generosity and support, and everything they’d done for her.
Guilt formed in the pit of her stomach, and she hoped against hope that she hadn’t done something that would ruin their chances with Ares. This had to be about their bid, and nothing else. She just hoped their bid really was the best one he had on his desk…
Ares regardedhis private secretary for several seconds, weighing up his options, before speaking.
“I need you to organize something for me.”
“Of course, your highness. Anything.”