Salvatore frowned. “I’m sure he’s fine. Right?” Salvatore turned back to Ares, who barely glanced at him.

“I did have trouble sleeping last night.”

“That’s funny, so did I,” Sofia murmured. “Perhaps it was a full moon?”

He almost choked on a laugh. “Perhaps.”

Salvatore might have thought they’d both lost their minds because he leaned forward. “Sofia was asking if you’d have any objections to us meeting with your minister for trade and industry?”

Ares nodded slowly. “Until I’ve made a decision, yes. I’d like to keep the process on my desk for now.”

Sofia’s eyes narrowed a little—clearly that wasn’t the answer she’d wanted, but she nodded. For now. He knew her well enough to know she’d probably bring this up later. Later, when she was naked, except for the pearls.

He dropped his gaze to the desk and smothered a groan. This was a nightmare, and yet it was one from which he didn’t really want to wake.

“Okay, we can cross that bridge when we come to it.” Notif.

Something stretched inside his chest, a feeling he didn’t particularly like. Concern. Because, at this stage, he wasn’t prepared to decide in favour of the Santoros over the Valentinos. While sentimentally, he hoped he could give them the business, the Valentino proposal had been incredible, and he wasn’t sure he could turn it down. Something he had to make clear to Sofia sooner, rather than later. He didn’t want her to think that just because of their relationship, or whatever he could call it, that they’d have an advantage. If anything, it made him more determined to go the other way—to avoid even the appearance of favoritism.

Whilst he was personally funding eighty per cent of this project, there was still state money involved, and the land wasCrown land, meaning he had to be absolutely confident he was making the right decision for his people.

“If,” he felt compelled to say. “I’m going to take a few weeks to come to a decision on this.”

Sofia’s eyes narrowed and sparked with his. “Is there anything we can do to help you make it sooner?”

“Do you need a quick answer?” He volleyed back.

“Not at all,” Salvatore interjected. “We can work with your timeline. Sof is just eager, as always, to get the ball rolling. She’s a natural go-getter.”

Sofia’s cheeks flushed pink, and he bit back a smile. “I can see that.”

“I just know the Santoros are the best fit for this project.”

“Something I’ll be considering, as I review both proposals,” he said. “Now, talk to me about sourcing materials. As you know, we have a shipping issue?—,”

Salvatore began to speak then, explaining the network of Santoro ships that would be at his disposal—a definite point in favour of their bid. Salvatore even came close to suggesting they could permanently loan some of the ships to the country, to ease their supply issues, but Ares chose not to hear that. It sounded close to a bribe, and he wouldn’t go down that path.

An hour later, he was bringing the meeting to a close, trying not to think about the fact he wouldn’t see Sofia for at least ten more hours. And how much that bothered him.

“Thank you both for your time,” he extended his hand for Salvatore first, shook it, and then turned to Sofia, who regarded him with those stunning green eyes of hers. She held out her hand and he hesitated a moment before taking it, half afraid that he’d touch her and ignite. Or lose his mind and pull her against him, because he wanted, more than anything, to kiss her hard on those soft, pillowy lips of hers.

“Your Highness,” she muttered, and as she shook his hand, she used her other to pull her long, blonde hair over one shoulder, so it cascaded in perfect waves over one breast.

He felt himself stirring again and quickly broke the contact, moving back to the table.

“We’ll see you tomorrow,” Salvatore was saying. “Let me know if you have chance to catch up one on one—socially—before we fly out tomorrow night.”

Sofia and Ares both jerked their heads towards Salvatore. “Tomorrow night?” he asked, keeping his voice casual with effort. “I thought you were staying another couple of nights.

“No, a couple of days. As in, today and tomorrow. I’ve got a meeting in New York the day after that.”

Salvatore’s gaze skimmed Ares’s face, which he was concentrating hard on keeping neutral.

“I see.”

“Unless you need us to stay longer?” Salvatore prompted.

Needed? No. Wanted? Definitely.