Page 50 of Elusive

Chapter 17


The switch in topic to Brynny’s dilemma worked wonders in helping me forget about mine, so I’m settled now, ready to put it behind me and go home. And I take the first long pause in conversation to say as much.

“I want to say how sorry I am about tonight, freaking out and scaring you. And thank you, for being there for me. I’m so damn lucky to have all of you. But… I’d love to head home, really wanna sleep in my own bed.”

“P, it’s late, just sleep here and I’ll take you home the minute you wake up in the morning. Promise. And, not gonna lie, I’d feel whole a lot better havin’ ya under the same roof as me a little longer. I can keep an ear out, in case you need anything,” JT pleads with me.

Before I can argue, my whole body shakes from the vibrations of Sutton’s reaction — a deep baritone dislike of J’s suggestion. “Well shit, you done did it now,” I let go of a much-needed laugh. “Hear that?”

“Hear what?” J looks around, ears perked, joined by a just as confused Brynny and Bellamy, also searching out the sound.

“The low rumble coming from big boy’s chest here.” I pat Sutton on one very large, impossibly solid pec. “You woke the beast, and made him mad. Scary combo, Cuz.”

“Huh? What the hell are you mad about?” JT asks him.

“Oh, let me take this one, please.” I glance at Sutton, and for a split-second, his grin escapes — a grin of knowing — I need this one; a small slice of sarcastic fun after the night I’ve had. He nods, so I give J a smirk and explain. “Even though I have no intention of letting him do so, because I’m fine, you just insinuated that the hulk-like man with a boa constrictor hold on me can’t keep an ear on me as well as you can, and didn’t take him taking me home as a given. Now his machismo’s dialed up to ten and he’s all growly.”

“No, that’s not what I mean…” J sputters.

“Um, think it is, babe,” Bellamy snickers. “That’s exactly how you would’ve taken it.”

“Woman, how is it you can call me ‘babe’ and side against me in the same damn breath?” He asks, his brows bowed in a frump.

“Easy.” She blows him a kiss. “I love you, even when you’re wrong. Or back-tracking. Side-stepping. Sticking your f-”

“Got it. You’re still gonna wanna work on a real apology, forlater though.”He swats her butt, then turns to Sutton. “Didn’t mean anything by it, man. She’s my family, I worry, that’s all.”

“And I respect that,” Sutton grumbles past a clenched jaw, not sounding much like respect, “but Presley wants to sleep in her own bed, so that’s where she’s gonna sleep. I’ll keep an ear, andeye on her just fine, I assure you.”

“Oh, I heard it that time!” Bellamy chirps. “Sutton, you might need to see a doctor about that rumbly thing, I don’t think that’s normal. Could be a blockage in your lung or something.” She teases him, biting the smile fighting to emerge. “Does it happen often, or only around certain people?”

Bless Bellamy’s semi bi-polar heart, she is constantly impressing me with her ability to shift from panic, to passionate rants, and back to chipper little smartass in no time at all.

“Got jokes now, huh? Your man’s a bad influence. Come on, Sugar, I’ll take you home.” Sutton stands up and sets me on my feet, but keeps a possessive hand on the small of my back… even as Bellamy and Brynny each give me a hug and JT walks us to the door.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” J asks one last time.

“I’m good, I promise. Thank you again for everything. I… I love you, JT.”

“I love you too, P.” He hugs me.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure Sutton won’t mind waiting to make sure I get inside safe, flip on a light or two. I’ll be fine.”

“Of course he won’t. Call me if you need anything. I mean it, anything.”

“Will do.” I salute him.

Sutton lets out a mocking snort of laughter as JT closes the door, so I stop walking and look up at him. “What was thatnoise about?”

“You,” he snorts again, finding my hand to lace his fingers through mine and get us moving. “My Hot Shot, always has to keep that guard up, be in charge, make sure I hear your terms, loud and clear. Acting like you weren’t talking directly to me, when we both know that’s exactly what you were doing.”

“I do have to stay guarded and in charge. It’s a big, bad world out there,where big, bad shit happens. I mean, hello, tonight proves that. You let your guard down for one second and someone will take advantage of it. And, I was trying to be polite, with my indirect approach, eliminate the need for an awkward conversation when we get to my place.”

“I know, babe. Waste of breath, but I know. And I don’t disagree with you about keeping a guard up, toan extent.” He opens the passenger door of his truck and grabs my hips, hoisting me up and in before I can even attempt to do so myself. “Seatbelt,” he clips, then shuts the door and hurries around to his side.

“To what extent do you not agree?” I ask once he’s inside.