“I did mean it. What’s wrong with that?”
“Where should I start? P, fighting’s not okay, they could’ve gotten badly hurt. Or arrested. And… it was kinda my fault.”
Oh, hell no. I’ll be damned if I sit here and say nothing while yet another woman I care about blames herself for others’ fucked up choices. “Sorry, Brynny, but I gotta stop ya right there. All night you’ve made sense, preachin’ on the right spot to place blame, but when it comes to yourself, you wanna take on shit you shouldn’t? No ma’am.”
“Valid point, and thanks for that, Sutton, but I really shouldn’t have gone to see Camden without at least saying something to Ryder first. That wasn’t fair of me. And now, well… I’m not sure what to say to eitherof them.”
“You got this one too?” Presley whispers, perking up a bit more.
“Yeah,” I chuckle.
“Um, Sutton?” Brynn sends me a pleading look, asking for privacy; and while I don’t want to let go of P…
“He’s staying.” My girl states as fact, snuggling closer into me. God, how I wish such an awful reason wasn’t at the root of it, and guilt strikes hard with my enjoyment, but I soak it up anyway.
“Okay.” Brynn smiles lovingly. “Whatever you want, P.”
Me. She wants me. Another twinge of guilt hits, but I refuse it away and refocus on helping Brynny.
“What’d you mean you don’t know what to say to them ‘now?’”
“Now that I chewed them both up one side and down the other, told them what their dime-show cost my cousin. But…” She diverts her eyes.
“But what?”
“Well, I think maybe I should cut Ryder some slack, since, like I said, it wasn’t right what I did to him. And Camden, turns out he… uh… took care of the guy who scared P, so I’m sort of not mad at him anymore either, yet I’m still furious at each. Which puts me right back at square one, not sure what to say next, if anything at all, to either. So, I think the only thing left to do is forget about them both, in that way, and just be their friend.”
“Alright, enough. Slow your roll there, Martyrpants. I couldn’t disagree with you more if I tried. Sutton, what’s the guy perspective?” Presley tilts her head to look up at me, those big brown eyes compelling me to answer, despite the fact I’d really rather not.
“My… uh… perspective,” I stall as long as possible, “is that it’s totally up to you, Brynny. Might have to do some soul-searching on this one, Lil’ Bit.”
“I know.” Her voice drops along with her shoulders. “I like Ryder, a lot. He’s cute, kind, and treats me wonderfully. Plus, the whole family likes him too, not an easy feat. Then there’s Camden, who I don’t know that well yet, but,” she gulps, “I want to.”
“Sshh,” Presley hushes me. “Listen to them,” she snickers, small and faint, but a genuine snicker no less… a very good sign.
“This is not some third-world country where your father breeds goats to trade for her hand, Jefferson! I’m going in there!” Bellamy’s hiss isn’t near low enough and finds us.
“Woman,” he groans… about the same time said woman knocks on the door.
“Guys, how’s everything going in there? Presley, you feeling any better?” She calls out.
“You know she’s twitching, wanting in here so bad she can’t stand it,” Presley whispers. “How long should we make her wait?”
I sigh in relieved welcome of another huge glimpse of the real Presley.
Still left unanswered, and yes, probably indeed twitching, Bellamy tries again. “Pres, do you need… uh… need me to bring you in… anything? A drink maybe?”
Brynn grabs a pillow to muffle her laugh, then quietly pleads her friend’s case when recovered. “As happy as I am to see you feeling more your ornery self, stop torturing the poor girl, P.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Kinda tacky-timing, my bad. Come on in, Bellamy.”
Had that door just opened any damn faster, it’d of flown clean off the hinges.
“Hi, thanks for letting me in. You okay, P? Sure you don’t need anything?” Bellamy gushes.
“No, I’m fine, but thanks. I was wondering when you were gonna come in. What took you so long?” My girl shines through even more, unable to help herself.