Chapter 10
“Remind me one more time; you know this guy how?” I quiz JT from the backseat as he drives.
Why I’m still bothering with my whole asinine “Project Pretend to Date,” I’m not sure. Oh wait, yes I am… ‘cause I’ll be damned if I’m gonna hand anyone the ammunition to suggest I’m flaky, or callous, ever again. If I give it a decent effort, they can’t say I didn’t try. But no sense in going nuts with it, voluntarily meeting up with could-be-serial-killer strangers, which is why JT and Bellamy are joining me tonight, on what I’m betting will be another disaster of “a date.”
“Jesus, P, the usual I guess. School, parties, mutual friends, I don’t know, I just do. Seriously, relax. He’s a good guy, and we’re right here with you,” he answers.
“Just seems odd that such a ‘good guy’ wouldn’t call, text, or reach out to me himself to make plans. Or plot twist, ask me if I want to go out with him.”
“Not that you’d have had my ass if I just gave him your number or anything,” he scoffs, “making it a blind date, hence, the blind spots. But you asked us to set you up. So that’s what I did. Set it up.”
Bellamy turns in her seat to look at me. “Granted, I’m no expert on dating, but I promise, you have nothing to worry about. Jefferson would never put you in harm’s way.”
“I know,” I blow out some of my nerves and sit back, searching for even a shred of optimism.
“Presley, if you don’t want to do this-”
“No, I do,” I stop her before she can air my every misgiving, abruptly changing gears. “His name’s Mike, right?”
“Yep,” J pops.
“And? What else ya got?”
“He meets all your specs. In the right age range, never been married, no kids, clean background, and his hair’s a lot shorter than yours. He’s not though. Short, that is. Much taller than you.”
“Yes, even if you have heels on.”
“Who chose bowling, you or him?”
“I asked first. You or him?”
“Me. Public setting, lots of people around, well-lit. Give ya a safe feel.”
“Perfect answer, and thank you for considering all that. Exactly why I was hoping it was his idea, would’ve said a lot for him.”
“JT,” I mock his tone of exhausted dread. “Don’t go throwing yourself from the moving car just yet, it’ll be fine. I’m starting to realize, slowly but surely, that apparently, my standards are unreasonable. So, calm your moobs, I’ll give him a chance.”
“Since I don’t know what good guy looks like, ball’s in your court, matchmaker. You see him?” I ask JT, the three of us milling about, ‘cause chillin’ in the front of a bowling alley’s a super-fun thing people do.
He scans the place for the umpteenth time. “Nope, he must not be here yet. Come on, let’s go ahead and grab a lane.”
Off to a stellar start... he’s late.
“Hey, how ya doing? Can we get a lane?” JT does the talking at the counter. “We’re meeting someone here, so if a big dude comes in and mentions the same, can you let him know where we’re at?”
“Big dude, got it. What size shoes can I get ya?”
Hadn’t even thought of that… thank God I happen to be wearing socks.