Chapter 6
We won the “friendly” game — despite Aunt Laney’s best attempts at being unfriendly, smack-talking worse than a sailor, in a rap-battle, and “accidentally” beaning both Dad and Uncle Dane in the head with the ball… twice. And she can throw, even when she’s not frustrated, so no idea how they’re still standing.
“Damn good pitchin’, Superstar.” Uncle Zach kisses the top of Brynny’s head.
“Hmph,” Aunt Laney sounds her protest. “The only reason you got it past the warning track is because Brynn served you up meatballs. None for her own mother of course.”
“Warning track my ass, this isn’t a real field, so… there isn’t one. And you do remember I was on your team, don’t you?” Zach counters.
“Yep, and we lost, so forgive me if I don’t award you MVP. I hate losing!”
“Nooo,” Uncle Dane laughs. “You? Surely you jest. Good game, baby.” He takes her stiff, pissed-off body in his arms. “My head’s fine by the way. Ears have stopped ringing. Thanks for asking.”
“Yeah, Gidge, good game. Way to shake off the loss,” Dad jabs, his finger and thumb shaped in an “L” and held up to his forehead. “My head’s fine too. You throw like a girl.”
“Awful lotta talk from the bat boy,” she jibes right back.
“Hey, I played!”
“With a beer in your hand!”
“Still played. For the winning team.”
She’s done, because he’s right, and turns away. “Sutton, why didn’t you ever play ball, or did you?” She asks him, flipping Dad off behind her back.
Yep, Aunt Laney noticed too — not only can Sutton use that enormous body of his to stop a ball, but he hit three home runs off Cameron — their team’s designated pitcher.
“I played some when I was younger,” he humbly replies and… ah, he’s blushing. “Just got lucky today.”
“Nah, man, no luck about it. They were deserved. You’ve got a great swing,” Cameron says respectfully; pretty decent of him.
“I told you to walk him, Camden,” Brynn grins up at… shit, Camden? His name’s not Cameron? Good thing I haven’t had the inkling to speak directly to him… our entire “date.”
“You into swallowing your pride and pitching away?” He grins, just as big, back at her. “No way. I know you better than that.”
“She does if that’s what I call!” Laney answers for her, inserting all lingering anger over the loss into her volume.
“What the hell, Brynny? You were helping two members of the other team?” I jokingly chastise her. Like I give a shit — we won — all the “mutiny” and blows to the head unable to keep the best team down.
“I’m hot, let’s jump in the pool,” JT suggests. “You got a couple pairs of trunks in the pool house, Sutton. Grab Camden some while you’re at it.”
He wasn’t actually supposed to come with JT today, but I’d be lying if I said I was mad about it. Especially now. Sutton’s bare chest glistening as water runs down it in enticing rivulets, the pool temp no match for that big ol’ dick I remember well, teasing me from beneath his wet, clinging trunks... yeah, he’s more than welcome to stay.
And as is a long-standing “automatic” any time my family’s in a pool, a game of “Chicken” commences. I would’ve assumed I was expected to partner up with uh… Camden, it’s Camden, but not the case, I learn, when I’m suddenly hoisted out of the water… and my “date” is at the other end of the pool. I look down from the sturdy shoulders on which I’m now perched to see Sutton grinning up at me — having snuck between my legs while underwater.
I quickly glance around, sure that everyone’s looking at us, and find no spectators. Not even the women. How you peel your eyes off a wet shirtless, Sutton is beyond me, but, their loss.
“We should bet large amounts of money against our opponents,” Sutton regains my attention in gravelly flirtation. “On us winning.”
“And why is that?” I have a hunch where he’s going with this and can’t help but smile.
“Because you know as well as I do, anytime your legs are on my shoulders, everything goes perfectly.” His smirk is smug yet playful, his eyes anything but — smoldering with the dark, predatory promise, I know firsthand, he can deliver.
“I seem to recall standing at your door, pretty much offering to put my legs any damn place you wanted, but a lil’ blonde, you remember your girlfriend, right?” I arch both brows. “Had you turning me away.”