“Right this way,” JT rejoins us, scowl and tone proof he’s barely able to contain his anger. “I own this property, and you’re not welcome on it. And hear me on this part, you go near my cousin, and you’ll be sorry. I don’t make a habit of threatening women, so consider this a warning.” He matches her earlier noise of menace. “Presley will give you a lot more than you bargained for, and a fuck ton more than you want. Trust me.”
She snaps, finally, fucking finally, stomping toward the front door… and slamming it behind her.
“Where the hell’d ya find that one?” JT mutters, pale with shock. “No, never mind, forget I asked. Pretty sure it’s a felony to break chicks out of institutions, and I don’t wanna have to testify against you. Now move your ass, Bellamy’s been waiting out in the car way too long already.”
“Wait, there’s really a thing? Doesn’t matter.” I shake my head. “I’m not actually going with you if so. Positive that wasn’t part of Presley’s plan. You created the diversion, got her out of here, we’re good. Thanks, by the way.”
“I drove over here, left my woman sitting in the car to watch your woman,” he has to laugh, “lose all her shit, all of it, and you think you have a choice? Funny. Yes, there’s a thing, and you’re fuckin’ going, my friend. Like I said, move your big ass.”
This day just keeps getting better.
Dead. Man. Walking. That’s what JT is — I’m just waiting ‘til this fuckfest is over, and then… I have every intention of killing him with my bare hands.
There is, indeed, a barbeque at his parent’s house today. But he forgottomention, amidstme telling him I shouldn’t go, that the get-together’s sole purpose is to give Presley a relaxed setting for her blind date!
Rescued me outta a trap only to set me up for another, much worse, one.
He’s. A. Dead. Man.
And just as I know, and told him, Presley’s no happier about me being here than I am. If her scathing glares — as if this was my idea — didn’t clue me in, the punch she landed in JT’s gut did. Guess she figured she’d cover both bases, unsure which one of us was the real mastermind behind the shitty scheme that is my presence.
The only consolation I’ve found thus far? Presley couldn’t be less interested in her “date.”
Who’s also a dead man.
“Come eat,” Mrs. Kendrick yells, everyone gravitating toward the table covered in food.
With all the hysterics, I’ve lost track of how long it’s been since I’ve eaten, so… another consolation.
But, I can wait a little longer. I grab JT’s arm and hold him back. “What the hell, man? You really thought I’d want to be here for Presley’s date?” I growl lowly. “No, you knew I wouldn’t, dragged me here anyway. Why?”
“Because, you’re my friend, and she’s, she’s Presley. I’m not sure what is going on with you two now, but whatever it is, y’all will need help. Last I heard, you’d moved on, and when she showed up at my door, after a visit to yours, I told her to leave you be. Next thing I know, she’s calling me to go save you. No telling with the two of your dumb, stubborn asses, so I didn’t even bother asking questions, just did what I was told. But P wouldn’t issue an “SOS” for just anyone, so here you are.”
“Whatever.” I turn to walk away; this time he stops me.
“No, not whatever. Figure it the fuck out, and fast. I’d like to see you happy, sure, but I’ll kill to ensure Presley is. You feel me?”
“I don’t feel you, but I feel the same way. You know that, so stop puffin’, badass. Let’s just get through today and see what happens. I can’t predict any better than… anyone,” I laugh, “so cut me some slack. Come on, my stomach’s eating itself.”
Good talk… or so I thought. The shithead just doesn’t know when to quit, trying yet again to force my hand. It would appear JT had been further scheming even before our sidebar, enlisting a few recruits as well, because he, Skylar, and Judd, tap-dance around taking a seat until everyone else has, placing me beside Presley… and directly across from new guy — Presley’s “shit-out-of-luck-because-she-doesn’t-fucking-want-you” date.
Isn’t this fucking cozy.
Date McDickless and I both reach for the bowl of potato salad at the same time… guess who lets go first. “Sorry, man,” he chuckles, going for the baked beans instead. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Camden Dean. I go to school with Brynn and Bellamy.”
“Sutton Ellis,” I grit past a clenched jaw. “So do I.”
“I heard that. Finishing up a Bachelor’s in Business if I’m not mistaken,” Mr. Kendrick comments.
“Yes, sir. With an emphasis in Accounting,” I reply.
“Good for you, son. Come and see me about a job, when you get the degree.”
“Eyes on your own paper, Daney!” Sawyer Beckett, my current boss yells. “Don’t be sniffin’ on my best employee.”
“Thank you, Daddy,” Presley sasses.