“Don’t think you’re gonna hog all the room under the spray, Big Boy. Shoulda waited ‘til I was done, there’s way too much of you to wash for this to work with two people.”
He doesn’t respond, verbally anyway, capitalizing on my compromised position to kiss a tantalizing trail along my neck and grope his fill of my slick, sudsy boobs. He pulls my hand from my hair, guiding it to rest on his shoulder, then moves. Where, how, exactly, I’m not sure — eyes still closed against possible soap invasion — but the loss of his body heat, tells me he’s up to something. Or down.
“Hold onto me, don’t want ya to slip,” he warns in a scandalous tone, hoisting my leg up and over his other shoulder, his hands stabilizing me when I jolt with the first touch.
“Sutton, we do… ah,” I moan my lost protest, melting into his mouth… on me.
“We have time,” his growl delivers delicious vibrations, and I hurry through a few more jostles of my damn hair — completely rinsed or not, I give no fucks — now the very last of my priorities. A leftover sud or two isn’t gonna take my hand, concentration and vision away from me when I need them most.
“You sore, Sugar?” He asks as tenderly as he eases a finger inside me.
“Not too,” I moan louder, longer, and now that I’m shampoo-free… look down, the erotic sight of his tongue lapping at my pussy so lewd, so intoxicating, I coat his finger with a warm gush of want.
Cued by it, he licks faster, a fraction rougher, what’s now two fingers taking no time to seek out the sweet spot inside me and rub in perfectly pressured circles. My hips gyrate around, down, forward, seeking… and he answers, countering every movement with exact precision of what I want, where, when, even more masterfully than last night. He obviously took notes… well.
“Sutton, close, oh, Sutton.”
“I know, Sugar, feel ya. Give it to me. Come, now.” With just a tweak of slight soreness, my muscles swell, contract, then explode in a riot of staccato waves, Sutton absorbing them all to the very last twitch. “Love that so much.” He stands, making a show of licking his lips, shooting me another coy wink. “Want me to do the other on your hair for ya?”
“Yeah, that. You’re lookin’ a little worn out, like you could use some help.”
I swat his chest, a few splatters of water hitting my face. “I got it. If you’ll get, andstay, outta my way.”
“You loved it, you bull-headed brat.”
“Never said I didn’t.” I turn my back to him and step to the side, squeezing conditioner into my palm. “I don’t need water while I work this in, so get your big self under there and do your thing. I’ve got asses to kick at paintball, and a mutt to rescue.”
“Look! That’s a damn hematoma!” I’ve yanked up my legging to show him the worst of my battle wounds, a huge purple welt, on the back of my leg. “Don’t think I didn’t see who was on the trigger end of this shot!”
“I told you to wear two layers of clothes. And in my defense, I was aiming for your ass, where you have the most cushion.I’m sorry, Babe. I’ll be more than happy to kiss it, nurse you back to health, all night, and about the ‘cushion,’ I just m-”
“I know what you meant, and took it as a compliment,” my glower’s playful. “I love my big ol’ booty, and I’m well aware that you do too. By the way, now I’m hungry. Taking you boys down in mortal combat wasn’t hard work, but I worked up an appetite anyway. You gonna make good on the offer to feed me, Ellis?”
“Anything you want, name the place. Think we have time before the pound closes?”
“We could drive-thru, eat it on the way?” I can’t believe how easily that just popped out — I’m actually serious about the dog thing. Who’d a thought?
“If we’re gonna be eating, andhauling a dog, we may wanna swing by my place and switch to my truck.”
I… should’ve thought of that. “Yep,” I clip, diverting my gaze, while he laughs… but doesn’t point out my blunder.
“Sounds like a plan. Tell me where I’m stopping for food.” He readily agrees — he usually does — so complex, yet so easy-going.
But in the spirit of all these “new” things I’m trying out,I flip the script. “You pick.”
“I pick what?”
“Where to get something to eat,” I snicker at the confusion in his tone and expression.
A twinkle in his eyes and grin slowly grow. “That’s it, new rule. I’m going down on you. Every. Damn. Morning.”
A wild peal of laughter bursts out of me. “What?”
“You heard me, lil’ lady. You’ve been… happy, all day. And now, not only are you looking to spend more time with me, you’re letting me make choices? Oh yeah, startin’ every morning with my mouth on you if this is the result. Not that I wouldn’t gladly do so anyway, but bonuses are… well, bonuses.”
I refuse to spoil this amazing day by lending my voice to the negative ones swirling in the back of my mind, so I put them on mute, smile, and dodge. “The longer you stand there jackin’ your jaw, the longer one lucky dog spends at the pound. Get a move on, Big Boy.”