Chapter 13
I don’t know how many times, or lengths thereof, actually constitute an “a-thon,” but I feel pretty safe in officially declaring last night a “fuck-a-thon.”
Except the final round — slow and tender, with hints of daylight creeping in to cast romantic shadows — that didn’t feel like “fucking.” And now, in full light of day, my craving fed and mind cleared of blinding lust…
“Don’t you do it, Presley.” His sleepy grumble’s too sexy, arm around me, hauling me taut to his naked body, too tight.
“Don’t do what?”
“Backtrack. Think up dumb shit. Out of habit, avoidance, denial, any or all of the above, don’t.”
“I wasn’t,” I scoff, squirming, uselessly, against his hold.
“Liar,” he half-heartedly chuckles, flipping me on top of him. “I let you lay there, waiting, giving you a chance to react the right way. You didn’t. Got inside your own damn head, whole body stiffened up the second whatever bullshit thought registered, so, I’m takin’ over… and you’re startin’ over. Good morning, gorgeous.” He leans up, planting a quick kiss on my lips. “You hungry?”
“No, but if you are, it’s fine. You know I don’t care if you wanna leave. Not one of those — whiny, expect ya to hang around — kind of girls. Matter of fact, I need to hop in the shower and get going myself, lots to do today.”
“Name one. Just one, of these pressing matters.” He smirks.
“Dog shopping,” I blurt out. Why? No clue… slip of the subconscious I suppose.
“Sounds like fun, I’m in.” He taps out a happy rhythm on my ass.
“I… uh… didn’t invite you?”
“No?” With his fast, yet gentle roll of us both, I’m flat on my back, a grinning, naked, too-damn-cute-not-to-win-this-battle Sutton hovering over me. “Invite me, Hot Shot,” he murmurs, expertly situating himself to align his most powerful tool of persuasion with the part of me that always gives into him first. “Do it, invite me, because you want to, or I’ll be forced to convince you that you want to.”
“Are you really willing to stoop to sexual coercion?”
“Oh, Presley,” he laughs. “Of all my tricks, that’s the one I’m most willing to use. If I have to employ tactical maneuvers, which I find myself doing a lot lately, then yes… getting laid in the process is definitely my first pick.”
“Makes sense.” I shrug in defeat… can’t argue with that. “If I do invite you, promise that you won’t read-”
“If you finish that tired-ass sentence of yours, I’m picking out the dog. Then, I’m gonna read too much…to him! Actual books, for hours, read, read, read. The classics — the long ones.”
I’m prepping my comeback — so far, I’ve got nothing — when my phone starts blaring, the beat of “Can’t Squad With Us” rattling it around on the nightstand. Saved by the bell, or ringtone, assigned to my favorite jackass… who I’m still furious with for his treachery and disappearing act. “It’s JT, will you grab it?” I ask Sutton.
“With pleasure.” He snatches it up, excited to give JT shit, talk of readingtoadog forgotten. “Mornin’, Cupcake. You’re up awful early for a weekend,” he greets, on speaker phone. “Lemme guess, you’re up because you have a hair appointment? Gettin’ your nails done, too?”
“Well, well, what do we have here? Guess this answers my question if P’s still pissed at me for the set-up last night.”
“Yes, she is!” I yell.
“I can tell,” J snorts. “Sleepovers don’t usually suggest opposition there, Princess Pants. Oh, and Sutton, before I forget, fuck off with your hair appointment shit. Now then, it’s actually cool I caught you guys, together. Y’all up for some paintball with me and Bellamy?”
“Stand by, need to sidebar with the boss. We were just talking about other plans.” Sutton winks at me, letting his enjoyment of this whole situation show — JT aware he stayed over, and that we were busy discussing plans, which suggests a level of… intimacy I never partake in — a prideful, sincerely happy shine to every nuance of his face. “Which would you rather do?” He asks.
“Phone’s still on speaker.” I roll my eyes. “Not much of a sidebar, those are held in private. And now, we can’t sit here weighing the pros and cons of doing something with people who can hear us, so, I guess we’re going to play paintball.”
“You heard the lady! Where at, Shot Safari? Meet ya there? What time?” He gushes to JT. Wonder which he was hoping I’d pick… I just can’t tell.
“If I’m going, I’m going showered and dressed, so let me up.” He does, without the argument of physical restraint this time, wearing his biggest grin of the morning. They continue sorting out the details while I grab some clean clothes and head to the bathroom, closing the door behind me.
But… I didn’t think to lock it.
I’m rinsing the shampoo from my hair, head tipped back and eyes closed, when this small detail comes to my attention. Blindly, I know the instant he walks in… closer… and joins me.